Hi all,

The ArchivesSpace Technical Advisory Council’s Integrations subteam has been 
working on a survey to gather more information about desired systems 
integrations with ArchivesSpace and we’d be extremely grateful if you filled it 
out. The survey should only take 10-15 minutes at most.

You can find the survey here: https://forms.gle/VR6UwqqQ4SXfyKav6

Please fill out this survey if you have any interest at all in ASpace software 
integrations. You do not have to be a member institution or currently be using 

The results of this survey will help you and the ASpace community. Our goals 
are to:
     1) produce anonymized public findings about what integrations the 
community wants and
     2) identify and facilitate integrations collaborations with partners.

It's important to note that the results of this survey alone will not determine 
what integrations work gets done and by whom. But, we have high hopes that the 
results will inform and drive future community work.

Once again, you can find the survey here<https://forms.gle/VR6UwqqQ4SXfyKav6>.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Patrick Galligan
Digital Archivist
Rockefeller Archive Center
(914) 366-6386
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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