Error messages/images are too compressed or small to read. Just a blur.  Can 
you resend or else transcribe ?  — Steve M.

> On Oct 16, 2019, at 2:52 PM, Michael G Olson <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here at Stanford Libraries we just ran an upgrade from 1.5.4 to version 2.6.0 
> and noticed some odd behavior we’d like to validate with our peers.  We 
> received no error messages while running the upgrade.  That said, for one of 
> our repositories (we have many) we’ve noticed that by clicking on the 
> resource tree we get an error message.  I’m speculating here but my guess is 
> that the extent for this resources were not defined in such a way the 
> application knows the relationship between parent and child.  Here is the 
> error message we’re seeing.
> .<cub_001.jpeg>
> For this particular example here is how our extents had been entered in 
> application.
> <cub_002.jpeg>
> My questions are has anyone seen this sort of behavior before?  Is this 
> something we can fix in the upgraded application or do we need to implement a 
> fix before the upgrade.  Any insights anyone has on this issue would be much 
> appreciated!
> Michael
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