Hi All-

I've been working on a plugin to allow staff users to generate a sitemap for 
the PUI (see https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-834). I think its 
ready for testing by the wider community, so here's the release: 

Things to note (also mentioned in the ReadMe)

1) The sitemap generation relies on the SOLR index, so make sure that's 
completed a full index round
2) The app may need more memory allocated if your institution has a very large 
number of published objects. I've been testing with a set of about 550k objects 
of which about 50k are published and that works with the stock 1GB allocated, 
but YMMV.
3) Probably best to run this against a test instance (though we here at 
Dartmouth are running this in production)
4) Works with AS v2.5.0+, including v 2.7.1.

Comments, bug reports, pull requests, etc welcome! One thing that I know needs 
to be worked on is a better suite of tests.


Joshua Shaw (he, him)
Technology Coordinator
Rauner Special Collections Library & Digital Library Technologies Group
Dartmouth College
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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