You can see what the default Solr config in ArchivesSpace does with these queries in this screenshot of Solr's analysis tool on a development system:

On the left is how it indexes Governors and on the right is how it handles a query for Governor's. The first step, marked "ST" in light grey, is the Standard Tokenizer. As you can see, it does nothing in this case, and passes both unchanged to the next step ("SF", the stop word filter, which also does nothing.)

Changing to a different tokenizer could change how apostrophes are handled. Or adding a stemmer might do the same and also ensure the same results are returned for singular and plural forms of most words. But these sort of customizations are language-specific. What works for English probably wouldn't work, and might have negative effects, for finding materials in Spanish, French or German. This is one of the advantages of using an external Solr server <> set up - that you can tailor it for your collections and your users. It also means you can run a more up-to-date version of Solr, with more and better options <> (we use Word Delimiter Graph Filter and KStem.)


On 20/04/2020 23:44, Trevor Thornton wrote:
From what I can tell, the Solr Standard Tokenizer <> (which I think is the one used for most text fields) doesn't exclude the apostrophe or use it as a delimiter to split the word (as it does with other punctuation marks), so a query for "Governor’s" won't match "Governors" and vice versa. I don't know of a convenient workaround (without modifying the Solr schema).

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 4:38 PM Hoffner, Bailey E. < <>> wrote:

    Hello All,

    One of our catalogers noticed an issue with search functionality
    and normalization (see below). Has anyone dealt with this issue
    before, or know of a workaround?



    Bailey Hoffner, MLIS

    Metadata and Collections Management Archivist

    University of Oklahoma Libraries


    *From: *"Steele, Thomas D." <
    *Date: *Monday, April 20, 2020 at 3:26 PM
    *To: *"Hoffner, Bailey E." < <>>
    *Subject: *normalization in ArchiveSpace

    Searching for a term such as “Governors’” yields no hits if you
    spell it as “Governor’s”.  both terms should normalize to
    “Governors”, but it’s possible the latter is normalizing to
    “Governor s”

    Tom Steele

    Science and Technology Cataloger

    University of Oklahoma Libraries

    Norman, OK   73019

    (405) 325-4082 <>

    /"Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a
    house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere
    consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of
    professional men, setting out in life, it is their only
    capital/./" -- Thomas Jefferson/

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Trevor Thornton
Applications Developer, Digital Library Initiatives
North Carolina State University Libraries

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