Thanks, Steven!

Is the 'identifier_for_search_result' method (below) the drop in replacement for the now-removed 'show_identifier_column' method?


Mark Cyzyk, M.A., M.L.S.
Library Applications Group
The Sheridan Libraries
The Johns Hopkins University

Verba volant, scripta manent.

On 9/14/20 4:36 PM, Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g) wrote:
Looks like the docs must have slipped behind the changes.

git log -p frontend/app/helpers/search_helper.rb

Shows that function removed, I assume as part of the many search changes in v2.8.0

*diff --git a/frontend/app/helpers/search_helper.rb b/frontend/app/helpers/search_helper.rb*
*index a192965ee..c5a371cc0 100644*
*--- a/frontend/app/helpers/search_helper.rb*
*+++ b/frontend/app/helpers/search_helper.rb*
@@ -18,12 +18,32 @@module SearchHelper
  "subject"                  => "authority_id",

+ def identifier_for_search_result(result)
+   identifier = IDENTIFIER_FOR_SEARCH_RESULT_LOOKUP.fetch(result["primary_type"], "")
+   unless identifier.empty?
+     if result.has_key? identifier
+       identifier = result[identifier]
+     else
+       json       = ASUtils.json_parse(result["json"])
+       identifier = json.fetch(identifier, "")
+     end
+   end
+   identifier.to_s.html_safe
+ end
def build_search_params(opts = {})
+   removing_record_type_filter = false
+   Array(opts["remove_filter_term"]).each do |filter_term|
+     removing_record_type_filter = true if ASUtils.json_parse(filter_term).keys.include? 'primary_type'
+   end
  search_params = {}

  search_params["filter_term"] = Array(opts["filter_term"] || params["filter_term"]).clone search_params["filter_term"].concat(Array(opts["add_filter_term"])) if opts["add_filter_term"]   search_params["filter_term"] = search_params["filter_term"].reject{|f| Array(opts["remove_filter_term"]).include?(f)} if opts["remove_filter_term"] +   search_params["filter_term"] = search_params["filter_term"].select{|f| SearchResultData.BASE_FACETS.include?(ASUtils.json_parse(f).keys.first)} if removing_record_type_filter

  if params["multiplicity"]
    search_params["multiplicity"] = params["multiplicity"]
@@ -31,19 +51,12 @@module SearchHelper

  sort = (opts["sort"] || params["sort"])

-    if show_identifier_column?
- search_params["display_identifier"] = true
-    end
-    # if the browse list was sorted by default
-    if sort.nil? && !@search_data.nil? && @search_data.sorted?
-      sort = @search_data[:criteria]["sort"]
-    end
  if sort
    sort = sort.split(', ')
    sort[1] = opts["sort2"] if opts["sort2"]
-      search_params["sort"] = sort.uniq.join(', ')
+     fields = sort.uniq
+     fields = {|f| multi_columns.compact.include?(f.split.first)} if removing_record_type_filter
+     search_params["sort"] = fields.join(', ')

  if (opts["format"] || params["format"]).blank?

On Sep 14, 2020, at 4:05 PM, Mark Cyzyk < <>> wrote:

Dear Aspace List,

Here is a puzzler:

One of our custom plugins is throwing an error with ASpace 2.8.0:

I, [2020-09-14T18:31:21.347591 #1711]  INFO -- :   Rendered shared/_breadcrumb.html.erb (3729.1ms) I, [2020-09-14T18:31:21.551547 #1711]  INFO -- : Rendered search/_filter.html.erb (187.7ms) I, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.178717 #1711]  INFO -- : Rendered /usr/share/archivesspace/plugins/staff_mode_search/frontend/views/search/_listing.html.erb (1380.8ms) I, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.188677 #1711]  INFO -- : Rendered search/_results.html.erb (1834.8ms) I, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.191373 #1711]  INFO -- : Rendered search/do_search.html.erb within layouts/application (5600.4ms) I, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.193788 #1711]  INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8777ms
F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.238453 #1711] FATAL -- :
F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.238827 #1711] FATAL -- : ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `show_identifier_column?' for #<#<Class:0x36821e2c>:0x5ccfe41e>
Did you mean?  show_external_ids?):
F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.251369 #1711] FATAL -- :      6: %>
     8: <% if @search_data.results? %>
     9:   <% add_identifier_column if show_identifier_column? %>
    10:   <%= render_aspace_partial :partial => "shared/pagination_summary" %>
    12:   <table id="tabledSearchResults" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-sortable table-search-results" <% if allow_multi_select? %>data-multiselect="true"<% end %>>
F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.251910 #1711] FATAL -- :
F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.252256 #1711] FATAL -- : app/helpers/application_helper.rb:307:in `render_aspace_partial' app/views/search/_results.html.erb:22:in `_app_views_search__results_html_erb___900220805_2354'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:307:in `render_aspace_partial'
app/views/search/do_search.html.erb:16:in `_app_views_search_do_search_html_erb___1615232398_2350

The key line here is, I think:

F, [2020-09-14T18:31:23.238827 #1711] FATAL -- : ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `show_identifier_column?' for #<#<Class:0x36821e2c>:0x5ccfe41e>
Did you mean?  show_external_ids?):

No, I didn't mean "show_external_ids'!

The docs do indeed list 'show_identifier_column?' as a method. (/archivesspace/docs/doc/SearchHelper.html#show_identifier_column%3F-instance_method)

Does anyone have an idea about why ASpace 2.8.0 might be throwing this error when this method is called?

Much appreciated,


Mark Cyzyk, M.A., M.L.S.
Library Applications Group
The Sheridan Libraries
The Johns Hopkins University <>

Verba volant, scripta manent.

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