Yes, a sample would be useful to try to reproduce the issue.  It would also be 
interesting to know if both the staff PDF export and the PUI PDF show the same 
problems.  — Steve M. 

> On Sep 29, 2020, at 11:42 AM, Custer, Mark <> wrote:
> Dear Hitomi Matsuyama,
> Which version of ArchivesSpace are you using?
> I'm not familiar with those configuratio settings, but I suspect that they 
> might just be for the PDF formats of the Reports, not for the PDF format of 
> the EAD conversion process.  
> On newer releases of ArchivesSpace, the default font for the EAD to PDF 
> conversion has been updated to use the NotoSerif font family.  See:  
> <>,
> <>,
>  and 
> <>
> Also, I am assuming that you are referring to the EAD to PDF process in the 
> ArchivesSpace staff interface, i.e. Export --> Generate PDF.  If that's not 
> right, just let me know. If that is right, could you share a sample EAD file 
> that could be used for testing with a different font?
> All my best,
> Mark
> From: 
> <> on behalf of Hitomi 
> Matsuyama <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:26 AM
> To: 
> <>
> Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] PDF export issue
> Hello all,
> We've had some trouble with PDF export in Japanese.
> Descriptive information written with Japanese characters, hiragana, katakana, 
> and kanji, are not exported to ArchivesSpace formatted finding-aids at all.
> Our IT staff has tried to modify config.rb as follows in order to add some 
> Japanese specific font types;
> AppConfig[:report_pdf_font_paths] = proc { 
> ["#{AppConfig[:backend_url]}/reports/static/fonts/ipa/ipag.ttf"] } 
> AppConfig[:report_pdf_font_family] = "IPAexゴシック, \"IPA Pゴシック\",
> \"ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3\", \"Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN\", メイリオ, Meiryo, \"MS 
> Pゴシック\", sans-serif"
> However, this doesn’t work out and the description in Japanese is still 
> missing in a PDF.  
> Have any non-alphabet language users ever faced the same problem?
> If it’s been already solved, let us know how to get through.
> Thank you!
> Hitomi Matsuyama, Audiovisual Archivist
> Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka
> 1-1-86-8F Noda, Fukushima-ku
> Osaka 553-0005 JAPAN
> tel. +81 (0)6 64 69 51 93
> email.
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> Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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