And as a follow-follow-up Christine has moved this to a private JIRA since it 
impacts security,


<> on behalf of Joshua 
D. Shaw <>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API 
authentication and access

Just as a follow-up, I've created a JIRA ticket about this:<>


<> on behalf of Joshua 
D. Shaw <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:39 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API 
authentication and access

David is totally correct. Not related to the public user at all as I had 
initially speculated.

I wonder why some of the get endpoints never got specific permissions? At a 
minimum I think they should all be 'view_repository' but that might have some 
other consequences downstream.


<> on behalf of David P. 
Steelman <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:28 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API 
authentication and access

I was able to find the endpoints in the list by searching for 
".permissions([])", for example in 

    .description("List all family agents")
    .returns([200, "[(:agent_family)]"]) \
    handle_listing(AgentFamily, params)

The permissions on this code (and several other classes) were set when the 
".nopermissionsyet" scaffolding was replaced about 7 years ago in<>

So it has been this way for quite a while.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 12:19 PM Joshua D. Shaw 
<<>> wrote:
I think this is an unintended consequence of the PUI.

 there is a PUBLIC_GROUP_CODE which is name 'publicanonymous' which is granted 
view_repository rights - presumably so that the PUI can function.

I'm guessing that that specific user should be explicitly *excluded* in the 
RESTHelpers module or maybe the User class where the permissions are actually 


 on behalf of Custer, Mark <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:15 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API 
authentication and access

I'm curious if this has always been the case, as well, but it would seem like 
it has been.  I knew that the repository and location endpoints could be 
accessed but didn't try any of the rest for some inexplicable reason.  Not good 
to have agent contact details available that way.

Given which endpoints are available, I wonder if this has to do with the 
concept of the 'global' repository in ArchivesSpace, to which all agents, 
subjects, locations, etc., belong?  If so, it seems like that should be 
something that could (and should!) be locked down.

But, as you mention, Joshua, a very good reason to have further restrictions on 
access to the API endpoints...  but in this case, I wouldn't think that should 
be necessary at all.

 on behalf of Joshua D. Shaw 
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:54 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API 
authentication and access

That's a *very* interesting find! I had naively believed the docs that 
indicated that most of the endpoints required authentication without actually 
trying to bounce off a random endpoint without a token.

The controllers indicate that there should be permissions involved and that 
they should be tied to user roles, but that is obviously not the case. FYI - 
This issue has been around since at least 2.5.0 (I tested against 2.5.0, 2.7.1 
and 2.80 running locally).

For what it's worth, we have additional firewall rules in place (for other 
reasons) that limit access to the backend to only a select few IPs. That 
doesn't address the actual problem but is a workaround if you have the 


 on behalf of David P. Steelman <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:36 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace RESTful API authentication 
and access

I've been investigating providing access to the ArchivesSpace RESTful API to an 
expanded group of users.

Through testing, it appears that many of the RESTful API endpoints (see below) 
do not require user authentication (i.e., do not require a "session" key), and 
access apparently cannot be controlled through the ArchivesSpace permission 

While the information provided by most of these endpoints might be considered 
"public", some (such as information from the "agents" endpoints) could contain 
names and contact information that might be considered sensitive.

Is the inability to control access to these endpoints via the ArchivesSpace 
permissions infrastructure intentional? Is there some way to control access to 
these endpoints that I'm missing?

A (non-exhaustive) list of the endpoints that will return information to 
anything that can reach them:

/agents/corporate_entities - List all corporate entity
/agents/corporate_entities/:id - Get a corporate entity by ID
/agents/families - List all family agents
/agents/families/:id - Get a family by ID
/agents/people - List all person agents
/agents/people/:id - Get a person by ID
/agents/software - List all software agents
/agents/software/:id - Get a software agent by ID
/container_profiles - Get a list of Container Profiles
/container_profiles/:id - Get a Container Profile by ID
/config/enumerations - List all defined enumerations
/config/enumerations/:enum_id - Get an Enumeration
/config/enumerations/names/:enum_name - Get an Enumeration by Name
/config/enumeration_values/:enum_val_id - Get an Enumeration Value
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/people/:id.xml - Get an EAC-CPF 
representation of an Agent
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/people/:id.:fmt/metadata - Get 
metadata for an EAC-CPF export of a person
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/corporate_entities/:id.xml - Get an 
EAC-CPF representation of a Corporate Entity
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/corporate_entities/:id.:fmt/metadata - 
Get metadata for an EAC-CPF export of a corporate entity
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/families/:id.xml - Get an EAC-CPF 
representation of a Family
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/families/:id.:fmt/metadata - Get 
metadata for an EAC-CPF export of a family
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/softwares/:id.xml - Get an EAC-CPF 
representation of a Software agent
/repositories/:repo_id/archival_contexts/softwares/:id.:fmt/metadata - Get 
metadata for an EAC-CPF export of a software
/job_types - List all supported job types
/repositories/:repo_id/jobs/import_types - List all supported import job types
/location_profiles - Get a list of Location Profiles
/location_profiles/:id - Get a Location Profile by ID
/search/location_profile - Search across Location Profile
/locations - Get a list of locations
/locations/:id - Get a Location by ID
/notifications - Get a stream of notifications
/oai_config - Get the OAI Config record
/permissions - Get a list of Permissions
/repositories/:repo_id/preferences/defaults - Get the default set of 
Preferences for a Repository and optionally a user
/repositories/:repo_id/rde_templates/:id - Get an RDE template record
/repositories/:repo_id/rde_templates - Get a list of RDE Templates
/reports - List all reports
/repositories/with_agent/:id - Get a Repository by ID, including its agent 
/repositories/:id - Get a Repository by ID
/repositories - Get a list of Repositories
/schemas - Get all ArchivesSpace schemas
/schemas/:schema - Get an ArchivesSpace schema
/search/repositories - Search across repositories
/search/subjects - Search across subjects
/space_calculator/buildings - Get a Location by ID
/subjects - Get a list of Subjects
/subjects/:id - Get a Subject by ID
/terms - Get a list of Terms matching a prefix
/users - Get a list of users
/users/complete - Get a list of system users
/version - Get the ArchivesSpace application version
/vocabularies - Get a list of Vocabularies
/vocabularies/:id/terms - Get a list of Terms for a Vocabulary
/vocabularies/:id - Get a Vocabulary by ID



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