Hello everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone out there has configured their instance to make 
sub-subseries level designations available.

I'm currently working with some very large collection imports where 
sub-subseries would be useful, and know that EAD allows for I think a maximum 
of twelve levels (or something faintly ridiculous), but also know that the 
out-of-the-box AS doesn't include a sub-subseries level designation. I know you 
can technically nest subseries as children under each other, but this feels 
like bad form and plays havoc with our display code. We could probably figure 
out something ourselves to hack in a sub-subseries designation, but I wanted to 
see what/if anyone else was doing, as we'd like to try and build consistently 
with other institutions to make future inter-institutional collaboration go 
more smoothly.

Many thanks for any help! I'm new to this listserv and have been learning a lot 
following conversations but still have a long ways to go.


Lev Earle
Special Collections Processing Archivist - RBSCP
University of Rochester River Campus Libraries
they/them pronouns

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