I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but the "Published" facet/filter only appears when searching in the staff interface *after* you filter by record type to "Resource", "Archival Object", or "Digital Object". (There also has to be at least one published and one unpublished record of each type matching your initial query.) So you could search for *, filter by record type, filter by publish status, and click the Download CSV button. Then repeat if you want another record type. It doesn't work for accessions.

That is in the latest 2.8.1 release. It is also possible to write a plug-in to customize the facets displayed in the staff interface, for example to display the "Published" facet at all times.

I don't have an answer to your OAI question.


On 23/02/2021 00:38, Waxman, Jennifer wrote:

Hello ASpaceland,

Does anyone have a trick to identifying all unpublished resource records in their repository? Any way to see a list or even export one? Also, do you know if suppressing a record will keep it hidden from an OAI harvest?


Jennifer Waxman

Head, Collection Management

Tulane University Special Collections

Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Jones Hall

6801 Freret Street

New Orleans LA 70118



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