
ArchivesSpace Update - April 2021


We put out a second release candidate for ArchivesSpace 
in mid-April. While v3.0.0 continues to center around the expansion of the 
agents module, in the period between the two release candidates we were able to 
include bug fixes and improvements in some other areas of the application that 
were contributed by community developers and program team developers and 
contractors. For spreadsheet fans, the developers and archivists at Harvard 
University have contributed another feature, this one focused on adding top 
containers and associated information to existing archival objects. With this 
feature, a user will download a file of archival objects for a resource, add 
top container information outside the application, and then import the 
information into the resource record, from the Load via Spreadsheet area. Some 
draft documentation for this feature written by Harvard staff is available at 
 Also included among the community contributions are additional performance, 
backend and staff interface improvements courtesy of work Hudson Molonglo 
developers James Bullen, Mark Triggs, and Payten Giles did for Queensland State 
Archives as part of a larger project.

Testing of the second release candidate is finishing up, after which we expect 
to put out the 3.0.0 release.

Membership Renewals

ArchivesSpace is developed by and for the community that uses it, and 
strengthened by services and activities that support our community and connect 
us to one another. As we get close to the end of another membership year, we 
want to give a special thanks to all of the institutions that have joined us as 
members. ArchivesSpace membership is our primary source of revenue and informs 
and sustains every aspect of the program, including software development, 
support and engagement. Thanks for all that your support makes possible.

ArchivesSpace membership renewals for 2021-2022 will be sent to all current 
members during the first two weeks of May 2021. If you have any questions, or 
if you would like to join as a new member for the 2021-2022 membership year, 
please let us know at 
archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org>. We look 
forward to another year working together.

Webinar Announcement: Managing AV Materials in ArchivesSpace

When: May 19, 2021
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET (11:00 a.m. - 12:00pm PT)
Where: Zoom


This webinar will be recorded and made available on the ArchivesSpace YouTube 

Webinar description:

In this webinar, archivists working with audiovisual materials and 
ArchivesSpace will discuss how their shared experiences have led them to help 
and bolster one another's work in ArchivesSpace and in managing audiovisual 
materials.  They'll discuss the specific projects they have worked  on to 
describe audiovisual materials in ArchivesSpace.

First, Siobhan Hagan of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Moving Image Archive (MARMIA) 
will discuss the work of the Association of Moving Image Archivists's Regional 
Audiovisual Archives Committee overall and how this work has led to 
collaborative working relationships across the group.

Next, Megan McShea will speak about her work creating the Archives of American 
Art's Guidelines to Processing Collections with Audiovisual 
 and then how her perspective changed while working with MARMIA's massive 
WJZ-TV Collection, where they are using ArchivesSpace to transform their 
inherited Word document videotape inventories into searchable, actionable 
collection description.

Then, Jamie Marie Wagner of University of Colorado Boulder Libraries will speak 
about how she adapted the Guidelines to Processing Collections with Audiovisual 
Material for her institution, plus some specific challenges they have come 
across and tips and tricks for others.

Finally, Hannah Wiatt Davis of Florida State University Libraries will speak 
about the process of migrating to ArchivesSpace, the subsequent cleanup of 
data, and their initial experimentations with the Assessment Module for AV 

A Q&A will follow all presentations.

Presenter Information:

Siobhan C. Hagan holds her M.A. in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation 
(MIAP) from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and has worked in a variety of 
collecting organizations throughout her career, including the UCLA Library, the 
National Aquarium, and the Smithsonian Institute. She is currently the Project 
Manager of the Memory Lab Network at the DC Public Library and is the Founder 
and CEO of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Moving Image Archive (MARMIA). She has 
been active as a member of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA): 
she is currently co-chair of the Local TV Task Force, co-chair of the Regional 
Audio-Visual Archives Committee, is a member of the Election Committee, and was 
an AMIA Director of the Board from 2015-2017.

Megan McShea is an independent archivist in Baltimore, MD, currently focused on 
community archives, audiovisual archives, digitization planning, and digital 
asset management. Prior to that, she was the Audiovisual Archivist at the 
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. She is the author of AAA's 
Guidelines to Processing Collections with Audiovisual 
 and teaches the workshop Arrangement and Description of Audiovisual Materials 
for the Society of American 
 She currently serves on the board of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Moving Image 

Jamie Marie Wagner is the first dedicated Moving Image Archivist in the 
University of Colorado Boulder Libraries' Rare and Distinctive Collections. 
Since 2019, she has overseen the Libraries' archival film and video material, 
as well as collections related to Colorado media history and American 
experimental filmmaking. She holds an MA in Film and MLIS from the University 
of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently the Rocky Mountain area representative 
to the AMIA Regional Audio-Visual Archives Committee and Continuing Education 
Coordinator for the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists.

Hannah Wiatt Davis is the Preservation Librarian at Florida State University 
Libraries, where she leads and directs collection management and preservation 
efforts in the Special Collections & Archives division. She also serves as the 
ArchivesSpace Technical Lead for FSU's six repositories, and is a founding 
member and chair of the Society of Florida Archivists ArchivesSpace Working 

Who should attend:

Anyone using or interested in using ArchivesSpace to manage their AV materials.

Applications due today! - ArchivesSpace Member Match Program

Applications for the ArchivesSpace Member Match program are due today, April 
30, 2021.

The Member Match program is an initiative to engage the ArchivesSpace 
membership community, created and organized by the Member Engagement sub-team 
of the ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council, with support from the ArchivesSpace 
Community Engagement Coordinator. The program is intended to be a resource and 
venue for peer-to-peer support between ArchivesSpace members. For one, 
year-long term, participants will be matched with a member with whom they can 
receive and offer professional insight, advice, and comradery. The program will 
also offer participants the opportunity to engage in exclusive events and 
enlightening discussions about ArchivesSpace and its active user community.


Any individual affiliated with an ArchivesSpace member organization is eligible 
to participate in the ArchivesSpace MemberMatch program and there is no limit 
to the number of individuals from a member organization that may participate.

If you are unsure of your organization's ArchivesSpace membership status, visit 
https://archivesspace.org/community/whos-using-archivesspace or email 

To Apply

There is a short application to complete at 

Applications should be submitted by April 30. Applicants will be notified of 
their matches no later than June 30.

To Learn More

Visit the Member Match wiki: 

The ArchivesSpace Member Engagement Sub-team conducted an informational webinar 
on March 10th.  You can find a link to the recording of this webinar on the 
Member Match wiki.

Please feel free to direct any questions to archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org


-Sent on behalf of the ArchivesSpace Member Engagement sub-team

Kate Blalack, American Song Archive

Regina Carra, American Folk Art Museum

Bailey Hoffner, University of Oklahoma

Ashley Knox, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Brittany Newberry, Atlanta University Center and ArchivesSpace User Advisory 
Council Chair

Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace Community Engagement Coordinator

Training Announcement: ArchivesSpace Community-wide Training May 11, 13, 18, 
and 20, 2021

Thank you to everyone who has registered for the 4-session ArchivesSpace basics 
training being offered on May 11, 13, 18, and 20.  Registration for this 
training is currently full.  We look forward to a great first community-wide 

Information about this ArchivesSpace community-wide training program is 
available at 

ArchivesSpace Trainers Corps Office Hour

Thank you to everyone who came to the first ArchivesSpace Office Hour on April 
19th at 2pm ET/11am PT. Members of the ArchivesSpace Trainers Corps offered a 
demonstration of how to create a thumbnail image of a digital object in the 
ArchivesSpace Public User Interface and answered a variety of questions about 
managing digital objects in ArchivesSpace.

Notes from this Office Hour are available at 

Webinar Recording Available: Implementing the Protocols for Native American 
Archival Materials at Northern Arizona University

Thank you to everyone who attended our most recent webinar on Implementing the 
Protocols for Native American Archival Materials at Northern Arizona 
University. In this webinar, Sam Meier, Cindy Summers, and Liz Garcia will 
discuss the ongoing efforts of Northern Arizona University's Cline Library 
Special Collections and Archives to implement the Protocols for Native American 
Archival Materials<https://www2.nau.edu/libnap-p/index.html>; their vision for 
applying the Protocols to archival arrangement and description as well as 
rearrangement and redescription; logistical, technological, and resource issues 
with regards to updating legacy archival description in ArchivesSpace; and the 
design, implementation, and progress to date of the Archival Description 
Internship developed to help make this work possible.

To watch the recording of this webinar, visit 

Thank You for a Successful 3rd Annual ArchivesSpace Online Forum!

Over 500 people representing 14 different countries attended the third annual 
ArchivesSpace Online Forum, which took place from March 29-31. Links to 
recordings and presentations are now online at 

Membership Update

We are excited to welcome our newest members to our community! Our new members 
since March 31 include:

  *   Austin History Center (Austin, TX)
  *   Baker University (Baldwin City, KS)
  *   Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, MI)
  *   Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston (Charleston, SC)

As of April 30, we have 428 General members, 21 Educational Program members, 
and 3 Registered Service Providers. If you are interested in your institution 
becoming a member of ArchivesSpace, please email us at 
archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org> for more 


ArchivesSpace monthly updates provide news about ArchivesSpace community and 
program activities and are sent to our member listservs, the ArchivesSpace 
Google Group, and SAA's Collection Management Section listserv, as well as 
being posted on the ArchivesSpace website. Please feel free to share this 
update with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not 
be on one of these lists.
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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