I'm in the process of moving our current version of Archivesspace 2.6.0 to
a new server running Ubuntu 20.04.  I've installed Java 1.8, MySQL 8.0.25
and mysql connector 8.0.25 on the new server.

I successfully got Archivesspace 2.6.0 running on MySQL (New blank
database) on the new server.  When I import our current production database
and run the setup-database.sh script I get no error and an 'All Done'
message at the end.  However when I attempt to run archivesspace.sh I get a
Database Migration Error, with the following recommendation, "The schema
info version should be 120 for ArchivesSpace version v2.6.0.  However, your
schema info version is set at 122
Please ensure your migrations have been run and completed by using the
setup-database script."
I've ran the script various times but I keep getting the same results.  Has
anyone experienced an issue like this?  Please advise.  Thank you.

Ludwig PossiƩ
Systems Admin
Stewart Library
Weber State University
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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