The simple "language" property of resources and archival objects (which I assume is what is held in the obj variable in your code), that held a single ISO 639/2 language code, was scrapped in 2.7.0. Instead, there is now a "lang_materials" property, holding a much more complicated data structure, to allow multiple ISO 639/2 language codes and/or language notes to be added to a record. Here's how the core ArchivesSpace MARCXML exporter handles that:


On 11/1/21 13:27, Mark Cyzyk wrote:

I have tracked down an error to Line 28 in our custom MARCXML export plugin:

#20160621LJD: 008 - Change 'xx' at positions 15-16 with 'mdu' for Maryland per technical services.
def self.assemble_controlfield_string(obj)
date = obj.dates[0] || {}
string = obj['system_mtime'].scan(/\d{2}/)[1..3].join('')
string += obj.level == 'item' && date['date_type'] == 'single' ? 's' : 'i'
string += date['begin'] ? date['begin'][0..3] : " "
string += date['end'] ? date['end'][0..3] : " "
string += "mdu"
17.times { string += ' ' }
string += (obj.language || '|||') ← LINE 28
string += ' d'

Insofar as this was working previous to our upgrade to ASpace Version 2.8.0 (Yes, I know, we're due for an upgrade!), can you see anything here that might be the cause of breakage?   Maybe "obj.language" is no longer correct???

Advice appreciated!



Mark Cyzyk, M.A., M.L.S.
Library Applications Group
The Sheridan Libraries
The Johns Hopkins University

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