
Sorry for the delayed response, we needed to wait for this issue to crop up 
again before I could get the full error message. I’ve grabbed two messages that 
were available from the tail and happening nonstop. The last 3000 lines of the 
log file were basically these two errors repeating.

I’ve attached a doc with the messages. Be warned, it’s like 43 pages long.

We think it’s cropping up during high CPU usage on the server.

Patrick Galligan

<> on behalf of Blake 
Carver <>
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 10:58 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Repeating error message
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Can you share way more of the area around those errors?
<> on behalf of 
Galligan, Patrick <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 10:53 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <>
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Repeating error message


We’ve been getting the below error message about once a week for the past few 
weeks, which has required a restart of the AS system, but we’ve been unable to 
track down what’s causing it. We’re on AS version 3.1.1. When the messages 
start showing up, we’re unable to load resources or accessions. We are also 
using an external Solr index that is located on a different server.

Any ideas on where to start?

ERROR -- : Thread-2956: uri:classloader:/jsonmodel_client.rb:490:in `all'

 `block in main'

There are a lot of other messages in about ruby gems and the indexer like so:


There’s a lot going on in the messages, so any insight from someone that has 
seen this type of error message before would be helpful.

Patrick Galligan

Rockefeller Archive Center

Attachment: as_error_1_20_2022.docx
Description: as_error_1_20_2022.docx

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