
One easy way to rebuild the index is to install the Lyrasis reindexer
plugin: Once installed, you
can either have it rebuild the index via the startup config or by
the endpoint that the plugin adds to the API. We recently migrated from
3.0.2 to 3.2.0 and everything went smoothly for us. Once the new version of
Aspace was running we hit the endpoint and the database rebuilt.


Donald R. Mennerich, digital archivist
New York University Libraries (212) 992-6264

On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 2:31 PM Jerry Boggio <> wrote:

> Hello ASpace Users;
> We just upgraded from ArchivesSpace version 2.7.1 to version 3.2.0 and now
> have “phantom” records in Resources and Subjects. By phantom I mean records
> show up in ASpace, but are not in the database and when trying to view the
> record returns:
> As part of this upgrade on our Test machine  we:
>    - Started using External Solr as opposed to Internal
>    - Purged the contents of the following directories, but did not delete
>    the directories:
>       - /apps/archivesspace/data/indexer_pui_state
>       - /apps/archivesspace/data/indexer_state
>       - /apps/archivesspace/data/tmp
>    - Kept, but moved /apps/archivesspace/data/solr_backups  to
>     /apps/archivesspace/data/old_solr_backups; and created a new
>    /apps/archivesspace/data/solr_backups  directory
>    - Refreshed our Test MySQL database from our v2.7.1 Prod version and
>    ran the script to convert to v3.2.0. We are running MySQL
>    version 8.
> This left the following directory structure under the data directory:
> /apps/archivesspace/data>ll
> total 36
> drwxr-xr-x  5 archspc users  147 Oct 16  2019 archivesspace_demo_db
> drwxr-xr-x  9 archspc users 4096 Oct 18  2019 demo_db_backups
> -rw-r--r--  1 archspc users   32 Oct  8  2019
> frontend_cookie_secret_cookie_secret.dat
> -rw-r--r--  1 archspc users   32 May 14  2020 frontend_cookie_secret.dat
> drwxr-xr-x  2 archspc users 4096 Aug  9 13:59 indexer_pui_state
> drwxr-xr-x  2 archspc users 4096 Aug  9 13:59 indexer_state
> drwxr-xr-x 13 archspc users 4096 Aug  9 00:00 old_solr_backups
> -rw-r--r--  1 archspc users   32 Oct  8  2019
> public_cookie_secret_cookie_secret.dat
> -rw-r--r--  1 archspc users   32 May 14  2020 public_cookie_secret.dat
> drwxr-xr-x  3 archspc users   22 Oct 28  2019 shared
> drwxr-xr-x  2 archspc users    6 Aug  9 10:33 solr_backups
> drwxr-xr-x 13 archspc users 4096 Aug  9 13:59 tmp
> /apps/archivesspace/data>
> External Solr was installed on the same Linux server as ArchivesSpace. We
> installed solr-8.10.0, but see that a newer version solr-8.11.2 is
> available. Should we be using the newer version? How can we clear the
> External Solr index in order to rebuild it?
> What needs to be done to eliminate these phantom records? We are assuming
> it is something left over from the prior version.
> Please advise or let us know if you need more information.
> Thank you.
> *Gerard (Jerry) Boggio* | *MITRE Corporation* | R124 - Collaboration &
> Info Management | 781-271-2719
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