I haven't done this myself, but I think the only way to bulk-load all those fields would be via an API script. That means building a JSON representation of each subject record, using something like Python, then sending it to this ArchivesSpace backend endpoint:


However, if just loading just the term and source fields would be good enough, it could be done by building an EAD or MARCXML file and loading that via the staff interface.


On 19/10/2022 19:54, Aimee Truitt wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am currently working on a project to bulk import subject headings. My spreadsheet lists:

*Authority ID*


*Scope Note*



*External Documents Title*

*External Documents Location*

*External Documents Publish(?)*

An example of a term I am trying to add, is as follows:

*Authority ID:* homoit0000021

*Source:* homoit

*Scope Note:* People without gender. OHC guidelines: Only use for individuals who self-identify with this term.

*Term:* Agender people

*Type:* Topical

*External Documents Title:* Homosaurus Vocabulary Entry

*External Documents Location*: https://homosaurus.org/v3/homoit0000021

*External Documents Publish?:* TRUE

I have ~470 subject terms to add. Has anyone tried to do something similar and have any suggestions, tips/tricks, plug-ins, etc? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


*Aimee Truitt (she/her) | Catalog and Metadata Coordinator*

Ohio History Connection | 800 E. 17^th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211

p. 614.297.2589  | f. 614.297.2546 |atru...@ohiohistory.org <mailto:atru...@ohiohistory.org>

*The Ohio History Connection’s **mission* <https://www.ohiohistory.org/about-us>*is to spark discovery of Ohio’s stories. Embrace the present, share the past and transform the future. Support the Ohio History Connection: **www.ohiohistory.org/give* <http://www.ohiohistory.org/give>*. *

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