Please forgive multiple posts.


Dear ILL and Resource Sharing Colleagues -


The RUSA STARS Nominations Committee seeks your assistance to fill two
important positions on RUSA STARS:


1.     Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (two year term)

The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve one year as Vice-Chair and shall
succeed the Chair at the end of that year. 

2.     Member-at Large (one position, three-year term)

Three Members-at-Large [are] elected by and from the Section for three-year
terms, which terms shall overlap so as to ensure continuity of policy.



 Eligibility. Persons nominated must be personal members in good standing of
the Section (STARS) at the time of nomination and remain in good standing at
the time of election and throughout their term.  

NOT A STARS MEMBER?  NOT A PROBLEM!  A quick call to ALA Headquarters and
STARS membership can be added to your RUSA membership at no additional


Please consider nominating yourself or one of your colleagues for these
important positions within RUSA STARS. The Nominations Committee will
contact nominees to verify willingness to serve and to provide information
from the STARS Bylaws. 


Don't be shy - RUSA STARS needs to hear from you! This is your opportunity
to serve your profession and help shape national policies and practices of
some very important public services.  


We need to have our slate of candidates submitted by September 15th, so we
would like to hear from you by the end of business September 10th. 

Please reply directly to one of us on the Nominations Committee:


Catherine Hamer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Kay Vyhnanek ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Our thanks in advance,


Catherine Hamer
Chair, RUSA Stars Nominations Committee




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