

Greetings from AZP:


AZP has decided to discontinue ARIEL service, effective today.  


If your library occasionally supplies us with articles, and our former
ARIEL address ( is in your address book or other records,
please remove it, and note the following change.  In the future, we are
requesting any articles to be sent, in PDF format if possible, to our
main ILL email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This email address will also be
shown on our future OCLC requests.


I will be unsubscribing to this list early next week.


Thank you,


Charlie Smith, Library Associate/ILL

Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records

Law and Research Library Division - Interlibrary Loan

State Capitol, 1700 W. Washington, 3rd Floor

Phoenix, AZ  85007-2875

Phone: (602) 926-3940; Toll-Free (AZ only) 1-800-228-4710

Fax: (602) 256-7987; OCLC symbol: AZP


ARIE-L mailing list
Mail the list at ARIE-L@u.washington.edu
Unsubscribe at http://www.arie-l.org#subscribers
Archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/arie-l@u.washington.edu/

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