We're on 4.1, and have used patron delivery since it became available in
an earlier version.  Currently we require all students to supply their
campus email account information for receiving Ariel documents.
Unfortunately, our server configuration continues to block Ariel
transmissions to all off-campus email - so it isn't a matter of want-to,
it's a matter of have-to.  We can't send to libraries using email
addresses for Ariel, either.  So far IT hasn't been able to figure out
what is causing the problem, but we do know it occurred following one of
the Windows security updates and some firewall changes this past summer.
Before that, we could send without problems. 

Jodie (Barker) Cole
ILL/Public Services Librarian
McGovern Library
Dakota Wesleyan University (SDW)
(605) 995 2619


I have a question that involves the use of the Patron Delivery option in
Ariel, but that touches on a bigger issue.

How have any of you dealt with the issue of students not
utilizing/checking their campus email account? I hesitate to just send
an article on to a student through Patron Delivery b/c unless we have
had some previous contact with them and have a personal email address,
all we have is their campus email and many students do not check this on
a routine basis.  Supposedly they are required to use it, but the
reality is that in many cases they do not.  I feel as if I am
perpetuating the campus-wide problem by not using their campus email
address, but it seems counterproductive for us in the ILL department to
spend our time and energy ordering articles that the students don't then
receive.  I wouldn't mind (too much) being hard-nosed about it, but
again, it seems to be wasting our time.  Our goal is for the student to
receive what is requested in as timely manner as possible, so there is
the customer service aspect as well.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Beth Purtee
Interlibrary Loan Services Librarian
Waggoner Library
Trevecca Nazarene University

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."      Romans

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