Dear colleagues,

>From today, the IP address has changed for the computer running Ariel
for the University of Sydney's Health Sciences Library.

Additionally, we are moving away from advertising IP numbers for our
Ariel computers to having names for them instead.

The old IP Address was  The old IP address will no longer
work from the end of today.

Please change your address book to

The relevant Libraries Australia NUC is NU:HS.  The relevant OCLC symbol
is LS1, but please note LS1 covers all our Libraries.

If you have any unfilled requests from our Health Sciences Library,
could you please sent them to the new name.

This change does not apply to any other of our Libraries at this stage.
However, we will shortly advise when we have changed to using names for
all our Ariel computers.

Jim Nicholls

Document Delivery
Fisher Library F03
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Phone: +61 2 9036 9012
Fax: +61 2 9351 4593
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