We have been running Ariel 4.1.1 on 32-bit Windows 7 on one of our scanning
workstations for a couple of months now.  The issues that we have had are
concerning scanning configurations being properly saved, but they were also
issues with 4.1.1 running on XP.

Paul Swanson
Applications Programmer

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Steven Espinoza <espin...@csusm.edu> wrote:

> Hello.
> We are running 4.1.1 and Ariel tech support suggested I ask the list if
> anyone is successfully using Ariel and Windows 7 (either 64 or 32 bit)?
> They have not begun testing, nor do they have a timeline : - {
> Thank you.
> **********************************
> Steven R. Espinoza
> Lead Information Technology Consultant
> Kellogg Library
> California State University San Marcos
> e: espinoza_at_csusm_dot_edu
> p: 760-750-4361
> c: 760-801-5537
> **********************************
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