Like most of us, our library has found Ariel support woefully inadequate over 
the years.  If I ever have a glitch, I'll look through the archives of this 
list or phone a colleague, rather than contacting Infortrieve.
When we had to move our Ariel to a new machine recently (and our old install 
materials were missing), I phoned Infotrieve with minimal expectations.  
Imagine my delight to receive a prompt, friendly, thorough and extremely 
helpful reply from Mark Bloomer at Ariel Support.  Wow -  were we grateful!
Since I've placed a few gripes over the years, I wanted to be sure to let the 
list know that I'm very appreciative for the support we've recently received 
from Ariel/Infotrieve.  Don't hesitate to at least try them!  Thank you Mark.
Anna Beauchamp
Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
Hannon Library
Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland OR  97520
voice: (541) 552-6823
fax: (541) 552-6429
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