Some people have reported that they cannot see the headings in the spreadsheet. 
Some can only see the last two headings. I don't know why this has happened.
I tested the link in Chrome, Firefox, and MSIE (6 & 7). 
They are there when I click on the link. They are blue.
Symbol, State, Reciprocal, LVIS, Charges, Ariel, Odyssey, Notes & ?, Date 
Updated, Iniitals/E-mail....
Sorry for the confusion,
Linda Celet Bane
Interlibrary Loan (PWS/PWSA)
Mary F. Shipper Library/LRC
Potomac State College of WVU
Keyser, WV  26726-2697
phone: (304)788-6903
fax: (304)788-6946
Ariel:, psc_ar...@mail.wvu.edu
E-mail: ill_...@mail.wvu.edu

>>> ILL_PSC Monday, October 25, 2010 8:58 PM >>>
Its been a couple of years since the Custom Holdings Spreadsheet was updated.
Nick is now doing dino research at Marshall University and presenting papers 
and poster sessions, so this is no longer Linda and Nick's Spreadsheet. I doubt 
if he will ever return from the Dark Side (paleontology = not librarianship) to 
the Light (librarianship). Sigh! We miss him a lot!
This summer and fall (May-October), I've had three work-study students (Jesica, 
John, and Chelsea) updating the spreadsheet based on your ILL Policy Directory 
entries. They've finally finished.
I can't verify that it is 100% correct, they are only human and it is boring 
work. So....I am putting this out for people to take a look at and correct 
before I post it to the Share-ILL wiki and start to create new Custom Holdings 
Groups from it.
Please check out your library's symbol and verify if the information is 
correct. If it isn't correct, please make it correct.
This is a Google Doc. Anyone with the URL can view it and edit it. If you do 
make edits/additions/delections, please change the date in the Dated Updated 
column and please supply either your initials or e-mail address in the Person 
Modifying column.
ILL Spreadsheet 2010
Please do not start using it until I announce on the listservs that I've posted 
it to the ShareILL wiki. I don't want to be responsible for people getting 
Thanks for your help,
Linda Celet Bane
Interlibrary Loan (PWS/PWSA)
Mary F. Shipper Library/LRC
Potomac State College of WVU
Keyser, WV  26726-2697
phone: (304)788-6903
fax: (304)788-6946
Ariel:, psc_ar...@mail.wvu.edu
E-mail: ill_...@mail.wvu.edu
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