
Thanks, for the good explanations. I was wondering about the Reciprocal
column, that makes sense. Different for different folk....

I have updated IAF -Illinois (I think it worked ??).

 I think an email column would be worthwhile. We send more than half of
our articles out by email now and it would be good to know how many
people are using it or if anyone is really against it. We've only ever
had one place ask us to use Ariel and I explained that in certain
situations email is just easier and more economical. They were okay with

Thanks for all your effort,


IAF - ILL - Governors State University Library




From: arie-l-boun...@mailman2.u.washington.edu
[mailto:arie-l-boun...@mailman2.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of ILL_PSC
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 4:22 PM
To: odysse...@iris.atlas-sys.com; karen.dink...@roanokeva.gov;
Discussion of the Ariel Document Transmission System;
Subject: [ARIE-L] Custom Holdings Spreadsheet -- Meanings of the


Meanings of the headings:


Symbol = OCLC Symbol

State/Country = location -- allows easy sorting for state and regional

Reciprocal = Does the library identify itself in the Policy Directory as


The meaning of reciprocal is unclear. I put out a message to several
listservs a couple of years ago asking what the listserv members thought
it meant and found no consensus. Some libraries define reciprocal as
"having a formal, written agreement" and will not extend reciprocity to
anyone not in their formal groups. Some libraries define it as "if you
say you're reciprocal, then I will treat you as reciprocal." There are
no hard and fast rules. 


I specifically asked if it was improper for a free lender to designate
themselves as reciprocal and to ask for reciprocity from libraries that
charged. No one told me it was wrong, so I designate myself as
reciprocal. BTW, I am open to reciprocal agreements and do have a couple
of formal agreements, but reciprocal agreements are more to my advantage
because I never charge anyone for anything.


LVIS = Libraries Very Interested in Sharing = free copies (up to 30
pages) and free book loans to LVIS members. Does not include AV. For
more information:


Charges = Charges, Free Copies, Free Loans, Free Copies and Loans, Blank
= couldn't determine from Policy Directory

If you want to add dollar amounts, that's up to you. I don't use charges
very often, so it's not important to me unless I & my patron are
desperately searching for lenders.


Ariel = Delivers documents via Ariel

Odyssey = Delivers documents via Odyssey


Question: Should we add a new column (E-mail) for libraries that deliver
documents via e-mail? Are there enough that it would be worth it?


Notes & ? = This was a field for the students to put in problems or
indicate special features


Some notations in the Notes field:

network processing center = I need to contact the individual library
instead of the center 

non-supplier = at the time the student viewed the Policy Directory, your
library was a non-supplier -- perhaps for vacation, holiday break,
staffing, ?

Please delete it if you are currently a supplier.


You can put anything in the Notes field that you want to others to know
about you. Example: Phasing out Ariel; 2011 = Odyssey only


Date Updated = Date last change was made

Initials/E-mail = Just a way to id who made changes -- just in case
there's a question about who made a change and why


Hope this helps,



Linda Celet Bane
Interlibrary Loan (PWS/PWSA)
Mary F. Shipper Library/LRC
Potomac State College of WVU
Keyser, WV  26726-2697
phone: (304)788-6903
fax: (304)788-6946
Ariel:, psc_ar...@mail.wvu.edu
E-mail: ill_...@mail.wvu.edu


>>> <karen.dink...@roanokeva.gov> Tuesday, October 26, 2010 3:39 PM >>>

I  have the heading, I just need definitions. 

What, exactly, is meant by "reciprocal"?  We don't charge anyone for
anything.  But, if another institution requires a formal reciprocal
agreement, then we have none.  That's why my policy says 'no' but I've
never been sure if that was correct. 

In the notes column, should there be anything about audiovisuals or not?
I know that's on another list but I'm not sure if it should go here,
too.  I don't want to muddy the waters. 


Karen Dinkins, M.L.S.
Public Services, Reference & Interlibrary Loan
Roanoke Public Library (RNC)
706 S. Jefferson St.
Roanoke, VA  24016
Tel:  540-853-2477
Fax: 540-853-1781
e-mail:  karen.dink...@roanokeva.gov


Some people have reported that they cannot see the headings in the
spreadsheet. Some can only see the last two headings. I don't know why
this has happened. 
I tested the link in Chrome, Firefox, and MSIE (6 & 7). 
They are there when I click on the link. They are blue. 
Symbol, State, Reciprocal, LVIS, Charges, Ariel, Odyssey, Notes & ?,
Date Updated, Iniitals/E-mail.... 
Sorry for the confusion, 
Linda Celet Bane 
Interlibrary Loan (PWS/PWSA) 
Mary F. Shipper Library/LRC 
Potomac State College of WVU 
Keyser, WV  26726-2697 
phone: (304)788-6903 
fax: (304)788-6946 
Ariel:, psc_ar...@mail.wvu.edu 
E-mail: ill_...@mail.wvu.edu 

>>> ILL_PSC Monday, October 25, 2010 8:58 PM >>> 
Its been a couple of years since the Custom Holdings Spreadsheet was
Nick is now doing dino research at Marshall University and presenting
papers and poster sessions, so this is no longer Linda and Nick's
Spreadsheet. I doubt if he will ever return from the Dark Side
(paleontology = not librarianship) to the Light (librarianship). Sigh!
We miss him a lot! 
This summer and fall (May-October), I've had three work-study students
(Jesica, John, and Chelsea) updating the spreadsheet based on your ILL
Policy Directory entries. They've finally finished. 
I can't verify that it is 100% correct, they are only human and it is
boring work. So....I am putting this out for people to take a look at
and correct before I post it to the Share-ILL wiki and start to create
new Custom Holdings Groups from it. 
Please check out your library's symbol and verify if the information is
correct. If it isn't correct, please make it correct. 
This is a Google Doc. Anyone with the URL can view it and edit it. If
you do make edits/additions/delections, please change the date in the
Dated Updated column and please supply either your initials or e-mail
address in the Person Modifying column. 
ILL Spreadsheet 2010 
Please do not start using it until I announce on the listservs that I've
posted it to the ShareILL wiki. I don't want to be responsible for
people getting charged. 
Thanks for your help, 
Linda Celet Bane 
Interlibrary Loan (PWS/PWSA) 
Mary F. Shipper Library/LRC 
Potomac State College of WVU 
Keyser, WV  26726-2697 
phone: (304)788-6903 
fax: (304)788-6946 
Ariel:, psc_ar...@mail.wvu.edu 
E-mail: ill_...@mail.wvu.edu 
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