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The "Real Value" of Library Service


There's just one week left to register for the 42nd Annual Interlibrary
Loan Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado on April 28 and 29. Among this
year's exciting lineup of programs, Lars Leon will explore a relevant
and timely question for all.


How do we assign a value to library service? Is it really possible to
measure the sense of worth that patrons place on what we do, including
interlibrary loan? Does it translate to a dollar amount? While libraries
can identify the costs associated with services (staffing, facilities
and infrastructure, transportation, databases, etc.), how do we connect
with that more elusive but key value: our patrons' hearts and minds?


This information is critical to informing our communities, stakeholders
and partners-from public libraries apprising boards, local government
and their community-to academic libraries informing their community and
legislators. Moreover, this information can help inspire optimum service
design. Lars Leon, Head of Resource Sharing and Delivery Services at the
University of Kansas, will present research on ways to consider this,
leading an audience discussion on this important topic.


This is just one of the programs in the 2011 conference lineup, which
will also include an encore appearance by the always-entertaining
improvisational troupe Chicken Lips, a group that will help attendees
tap their creativity and imagination. See the full roster at and be sure to
register yourself no later than Thursday, April 14.


Registration is only $95 for this two-day event on the beautiful campus
of Colorado State University. See you in Fort Collins!




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