Please excuse cross-postings.

Are you interested in becoming more active in the Interlibrary Loan community? We are looking for someone to serve a two-year term, one as Vice-Chair and one as Chair, of the RUSA STARS ILL Discussion Group.  The newly-elected person will serve as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for 2012, and as Chair, will plan content for and lead the discussion groups for the 2013 ALA Midwinter and Annual meetings. 

An election will be held at the ILL Discussion Group meeting at ALA Annual in New Orleans:

Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011
Time: 10:30pm-12:00 pm
Place and agenda: TBA

If you're interested in leading the ILL Discussion Group, or if you have any questions about this role, please contact me.  Self-nominations are welcome.  Note that you must be a current member of RUSA STARS, or be willing to join, in order to be elected.

Thanks for considering!

Megan Gaffney, Chair
David Atkins, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Megan Gaffney
Coordinator, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services
University of Delaware Library
Newark, DE  19717-5267
(302) 831-6980

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