Mike thanks for agreeing to me responding publicly. Also, I think this should be a diffrent thread as well.

On 6/10/13 10:35 , Mike Burns wrote:
Hi David,

Sorry for the long delay in this response, but you mention that you
would support a /12 exclusion for transfers, but when my prop-151
included that (at your suggestion), you did not support it, but when
that exclusion was removed and needs tests maintained for all transfers,
you supported that, and it became policy.
You were one of the shepherds of my proposal.


Do you think you would support, today, a policy change which restored
the /12 exclusion for needs testing transfers?
Would you support that as a lifetime exclusion, or an annual exclusion?
I think we are in agreement that sizes under that amount could never
"corner" a market.

The /12 exclusion wasn't the only criteria I included below, that part of your proposal I liked. I'll note, while I suggested /12, there is no magic in that number, other than I think it needs to be at least a /16 block to make the market functional. There were issues with your proposal as writen, but I think most of them could have been worked out. Some of the ideas in your proposal have been incoporated in to policy already.

However, I didn't support you proposal as an AC member at the time, mostly because I didn't feal there was community consensus for it at that time and it wasn't a timely issue, since there was still a signifigant ARIN free pool available. I'm still not sure the community is ready, even now, but as we get closer to ARIN free pool run-out I think it is a much more timly issue.

I see myself supporting even more liberal tranfers than we have today. But, I will probablly have trouble without some basic requirement to demonstrate technical or operational need. I'm for a much liberal definition of what justifies need for IPv4 than we have today. However, I still see some kind of technical requirement that minimally demonistrates technical or operational need for the resources, we have this for ASNs and IPv6 even though they are both prety much just there for the asking, but there is some minimum critera.

I think the more important issue is an appropriate criteria on the lower-end and for new enterants, the current slow-start for IPv4 isn't going to work, post-ARIN free pool. Yes, I know eliminating need alltogether eliminates that problem, but I'm not sure I can get myself all the way there. I'd like to see some minimal technical criteria that entitles someone to be able to buy up to between a /16 and a /12 and more than just that they have the money to do so. Maybe its just as simple as demonstrating efficient use of at least a /24. If you can't do that then you can only buy a /24, then you utilize it and you qualify for bigger blocks.

The point is that's my opinion, what we need is to develop a community consensus. This require comprimise on both sides. I think a much liberlized defintion of need for IPv4 is possible. But, when people continually call for the elimination of need completely, the majory of the community circles the wagons and we get nowhere. My question to you and others, is a signifigantly liberalized defintion of need for IPv4 good enough?

My suggestion is we keep talking about what such a signifigantly liberalized defintion of need for IPv4 looks like. I think you and I have similar ideas probablly not exactly the same, but you and I are not enough, we need to develope more consensus around the idea before were ready for a proposal.


-----Original Message----- From: David Farmer
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 1:22 PM
To: Steven Ryerse
Cc: arin-ppml@arin.net
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Against 2013-4
It is time to halt the current needs based allocations.

I'll agree the current policy for measuring need has issues, especially
as we move toward IPv4 free pool exhaustion, but that doesn't mean the
principle of need is wrong.  If we completely abandon need as a
principle what principle would you put in place that would help ensure
fair distribution of IPv6 and ASN resources?

I believe the real issue is that IPv4 conservation thinking has warp our
sense of what need really means and should be.  I want to see a meaning
of need more representative of current IPv6 and ASN policy, or early
'90s IPv4 polices, and not the hyper conservation need polices we have
for IPv4 today.

I agree that the price of IPv4 addresses will be the primary force
determining need for IPv4 going forward, and at least influence IPv6
adoption and demand.  However, that doesn't mean that just anyone can
buy IP address, there needs to be some minimal threshold, like actually
operating a network, and being responsive to technical and operational
issues.  Also, personally I believe there should be an upper limit on
how much address space you can buy without a more detailed
justification, I've proposed /12 in the past.

In my opinion "free markets with reasonable governance" have some kind
of checks and balances placed on the market, and I believe some minimal
operational need requirement is one of those checks and balances in this

David Farmer               Email: far...@umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE     Phone: 1-612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029  Cell: 1-612-812-9952
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