On 9/18/13 09:41 , Kevin Kargel wrote:
My question is what happens when BigRedISP that does 99% of its’
business with a densely used /12 of space hosted primarily in Barsoom
wants to open a pop with a legitimately justified /21 of space in a NOC
in Chicago.

Isn’t the ‘right’ thing for them to do by the intent of what we are
talking about to get a /21 (or whatever the current minimum is) of space
from ARIN for this particular use point?  It seems that the ‘plurality’
or ‘significant percentage’ rules would proscribe that.

Once they do get a block and the Chicago enterprise goes belly up and
closes how do we make sure BigRedISP doesn’t take their ARIN /21 back to
Barsoom to use in Manator?

What keeps that from happening now? Nothing. The best I can say is they can't get more. What do you want to see happen and why?


{My apologies to them if there really is a BigRedISP}

David Farmer               Email: far...@umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE     Phone: 1-612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029  Cell: 1-612-812-9952
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