On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:59 PM, Morizot Timothy S <
timothy.s.mori...@irs.gov> wrote:

> And the discussions on 2014-9 today clarified the central thing that
> bothered me about this proposal.

> And while I fully support ARIN's position of providing free basic registry
> support to legacy resource holders with no contractual relationship with
> ARIN and thus contributing not even a nominal sum to support those
> services, I do not support making that basic support transferable simply
> because someone "acquires" a resource from someone who had originally
> obtained the allocation prior to ARIN's formation. Or because someone
> obtains a resource from someone who had obtained a resource ... ad nauseum.
> TANSTAAFL. I appreciation the registry and reverse DNS support ARIN
> provided us for years before we signed an LRSA agreement. I think they
> provide a valuable Internet service through that support. But I see no
> reason to make it a transferable burden on ARIN. Nor do I see any value
> provided to the Internet community by doing so.

Well said Scott!

> Thanks,
> Scott
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