I would like to apologize to the list, and most especially to David Huberman, 
for the inexcusable snideness of my reply a couple of days ago.

In replying to a posting that I disagreed with, I allowed myself to engage in 
an escalation of rhetoric that was profoundly disrespectful, and which I never, 
ever would have used if I had known that I was engaging with someone who I’ve 
had the honor and privilege of friendship for the better part of twenty years.  
Milton went to the trouble to check and point out that attribution, which I had 
been too lazy to do, bringing to my attention the dissonance between my 
assumptions about how I related to people, and how I was actually behaving.

I am deeply chagrined by the realization that I would treat an unidentified 
person with so very much less compassion and humanity than I would knowingly 
treat a friend.  

Lessons learned from the mistakes of others are the least expensive, and I hope 
some of you will remember how very deeply I regretted this, if you’re tempted 
to say something on the list, or to someone you don’t know, that you wouldn’t 
say to a friend, to their face.  

David, I’m truly and deeply sorry, and I hope that I can regain your trust 
enough that you’ll honor me with your friendly disagreement again.


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