I support the proposal. How else are we going to get rid of the more than 1,000 /24s left as the dregs of decades of allocations? It will take a long time to dole out one /24 every three months to each needy applicant, do we want to extend this near-exhaust environment?

-----Original Message----- From: Blake Dunlap
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:17 PM
Cc: arin-ppml@arin.net List
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18: Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments

Opposed, as I do not see the need to justify 200 addresses as enough
of a burden to outweigh the benefits of not giving out /24s like candy
to those who cannot when coupled with the likely to be implemented
minimum /24 size allocation to an ORG.

The laws of physics cause this to be needed, due to current technology
used to preform the basic functions of the internet. This would not be
good stewardship of the resource as this is a remarkably low barrier
to entry considering the ramifications.


On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 9:58 AM, ARIN <i...@arin.net> wrote:
On 17 July 2014 the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) accepted "ARIN-prop-210
Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments" as a Draft Policy.

Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18 is below and can be found at:

You are encouraged to discuss the merits and your concerns of Draft
Policy 2014-18 on the Public Policy Mailing List.

The AC will evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance
of this draft policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet Number Resource
Policy as stated in the PDP. Specifically, these principles are:

  * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
  * Technically Sound
  * Supported by the Community

The ARIN Policy Development Process (PDP) can be found at:

Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:


Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

## * ##

Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18
Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments

Date: 23 July 2014

Problem Statement:

New and small organizations are having a difficult time receiving resource
allocations from ARIN because of the economic, administrative and time
burdens of making their way through ARIN’s needs testing process. For small
allocations, the burdens of needs testing may exceed the value of the
resources, or may deter small, less well-funded organizations’ ability to
receive an allocation from ARIN. As ARIN was created to provide Internet
resources to ALL organizations within its geographic territory, this
disparity in the Policy Manual needs to be addressed. The problem can be
remedied by removing needs testing for any organization that applies to
receive the current minimum block size allocation.

Policy statement:

Therefore I propose the following addition to the Policy Manual (possibly as
“A Minimum IP allocation size(s) has been defined per Section 4 of the ARIN
Number Resource Policy Manual. Regardless of any policy requirement(s)
defined in any other active Section of the Policy Manual, all organizations
may apply and shall automatically qualify for the current Minimum IP Block
Allocation upon completing the normal administrative application process and
fee requirements, and all organizations shall be eligible for such an
allocation once every 12 months. Where this is in conflict with any other
Section in the Policy Manual, this Section shall be controlling.”

a. Timetable for implementation:
b. Anything else:
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