Speculators and hoarders could already be locking up space via contracts that 
aren't even transfers (yet)... And yet I haven't seen much of that going on 
either. In fact, offers to buy or lease (or any other contract regarding) space 
are coming in less often than a year ago, if anything.

Matthew Kaufman

(Sent from my iPhone)

> On Sep 23, 2014, at 7:45 PM, David Huberman <david.huber...@microsoft.com> 
> wrote:
> John wrote:
>> A transfer policy mechanism which allows receipt up to a limit based on 
>> current holdings provides far more certainty for those who wish to plan
>> for the future, as they can go to market knowing precisely that limit.
> What is the virtue of a limit?  
> It's not the prevention of speculation and hoarding.  Those will always 
> happen outside the view of ARIN policy.  Speculators and hoarders will 
> buy blocks on the open market and simply not engage ARIN because
> there's no reason to.  Contract law makes it trivial to ignore ARIN.
> It's not conservation - there is no such thing as conservation in IPv4.
> 85% of the address space ARIN issued over the last 10 years went
> to less than 20 companies.  (At a significant penalty, I might add, to
> the little guys and especially new entrants, who got screwed in ARIN 
> policy for 17 years.)
> Before anyone answers this, please ensure you're knowledgeable about
> the IPv4 market today. I am. I characterize it as VERY robust.  Tons of 
> supply, with new suppliers showing up every month.  Outside of China,
> prices are low; it's a buyer's market.  There's no speculation that I can 
> find, short of a one-off speculator who is a well-known fraudster. There
> is certainly hoarding by the larger companies, but ARIN policy today
> isn't stopping that, and no policy passed here can stop that. Think about
> that last sentence carefully.  ARIN policy is powerless to stop hoarding.
> So how do we write policy that helps the non-big guys?  By removing
> artificial policy barriers that require lots of paperwork with ARIN beyond
> simply, "I bought this /20 from this company, please update Whois".
> ARIN's job should simply be to verify the seller is the bona fide registrant,
> and that the seller agrees to the transfer, and that the buyer signs an
> RSA and pays whatever fees are necessary to cover the costs of the 
> transaction processing.
> Let's simplify ARIN processes, make ARIN policy fit the REALITY of 
> network operations in a post-exhaustion world, and move on with 
> talking about RPKI, DNSSEC, IPv6 and other actually important things 
> that will shape our future.
> David
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