Amen!  I agree 100% with what you have described below. 

Steven Ryerse
100 Ashford Center North, Suite 110, Atlanta, GA  30338
770.656.1460 - Cell
770.399.9099- Office

℠ Eclipse Networks, Inc.
                     Conquering Complex Networks℠

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Thompson [] 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 2:28 PM
To: Steven Ryerse; John Curran
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] 2014-1 Out of Region Use

On 14-12-15 12:34 PM, Steven Ryerse wrote:
> I would point out that very clearly, anyone who wanted a /24 got one from 
> Jon, just by requesting one.  I was one of the many folks who requested and 
> received a /24. I also requested 4 consecutive /24's (Class C's) for a larger 
> customer and received those as well.  I'm also reasonably sure that if I had 
> requested a /8 (Class A) - I would not have gotten one - but I would not have 
> gotten zero resources.
> The first word in item #1 below is Fair.  I agree we need balance and as I 
> think you know by now I strongly do not think current policy is FAIR at the 
> small end. When big org requests big block they either get a big block or a 
> smaller block.  When medium org requests medium block they either get medium 
> block or they get smaller block. When small org requests small block they 
> either get small block or NO BLOCK.  This is inherently UNFAIR in my opinion. 
>  I see no balance when a small org is discriminated against because they are 
> small and have limited means. Thus Dave and Sue in their garage without the 
> proverbial business plan or whatever to prove their need are shut out - and 
> that is against ARINs Mission.

Adding my $0.02, and to some extent probably setting up a straw-man

While I agree that *some* needs-based testing seems reasonable even for a /24, 
I feel the barrier should be minimal - i.e. prove that a legal entity exists 
(including a Legal Person, which can include an individual
person) and has valid contact information.

In fact, if the needs test were removed altogether for /24s, I would expect 
this scenario to play out:
     - all /24s get depleted rapidly
     - ARIN no longer issues /24s, and continues to employ needs-based testing 
for larger blocks
     - the commercial transfer market becomes the only place to get /24s
     - a market value for /24 rapidly is established and more-or-less settles
     - the "Joe & Sue in a garage" client now has two choices:
         a) buy a portable /24 from a transfer market and register it with 
ARIN, if they have the resources to do so, or
         b) accept (and/or negotiate) whatever their ISP gives them, if they do 

This scenario could - potentially - ease ARIN's workload noticeably in the 
very-small end of the spectrum, while allowing the free market to control 
whether a new entrant gets PI space or not.

This works analogously to the way the real-estate market works: if you can't 
afford commercial space, you start in your garage or basement, and you move out 
once you can afford commercial real estate.  If you can afford a storefront 
retail location, go ahead and pay for it - whether you ever open up to the 
public or not, whether you use it or not.
If you can't afford a tiny PI allocation, use whatever your ISP gives you.  If 
you can, go ahead and pay for it - whether you use it or not.

To rebut in advance the usual bogeyman of "but, speculators!": 
counter-intuitively, speculators are not a bad thing.  (See for an accessible 
analysis of how speculators are necessary in a Capitalist
Is the company that owns the shopping mall a "speculator"?  What about the 
REITs, developers and other types of companies that buy up land and then sell 
it to individuals?  The function of a "speculator" is to help smooth out price 
fluctuations.  I have no interest whatsoever in seeing a "spot" market for PI 

In short, I would be willing to support removing needs-based testing for /24s.  
It would harm people like myself, who run an entire ASN off a /24, but at the 
same time would benefit the most typical sort of entity (also like myself ;-) 
who needs a tiny PI block: multi-homed organizations who need redundancy but 
can't otherwise meet the utilization threshold.  Their numbers are increasing 
all the time, and are reflective of small- and medium-business numbers overall 
in North America, which in turn (according to multiple gov t and academic 
sources) are what drives growth in North America.  I don't have any idea what 
the politico-economic situation is like in the Caribbean, so don't make any 
claims about that.

-Adam Thompson
  Cell: +1 204 291-7950
  Fax: +1 204 489-6515

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