> On Feb 25, 2015, at 19:04, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> ....
> As I understand the origin of draft policy 2014-1, it would be the latter. 
> The original intent was to clarify the circumstances under which ARIN should 
> issue space to service providers who operate principally outside the ARIN
> region.

"Principally outside" might be a bit strong, but clearly "outside" with little 
or no limits on the quantity of resources used outside the region.

>  The first attempts at policy in this area specified that parties had 
> to be operating within the region to receive resources and such resources 
> would
> be for use in the region, but that did not gain support. As a result, the
> present draft policy proposes that any party having a minimal legal and 
> operational presence be provided resources, including those needed based
> on the global need. 

I think everyone agrees entities getting resources from ARIN need a nexus with 
the ARIN region, a legal presence and operations within the region, but it's 
been difficult to get consensus quantifying how much or how little nexus is 
necessary, beyond simply having one.

Put another way, I don't think anyone thinks entities with no legal presence or 
operations within the ARIN region should be getting resources from ARIN.  But 
consensus on limits or requirements beyond that has been difficult.

> FYI,
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO

David Farmer                          Email: far...@umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota    
2218 University Ave SE         Phone: +1-612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: +1-612-812-9952

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