So is "being announced" in the region the same as "being used" within the 
region? What implications does this have for 2014-1?
I think RIPE-NCC does maintain a kind of nominal adherence to service regional, 
but a lot of the American companies applying for these resources are requesting 
and using them based on local or global  need, not specifically European need. 
IT would be good to see RIPEclarify.


From: Kevin Blumberg []
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 2:06 AM
To: Milton L Mueller;
Subject: RE: [arin-ppml] Response to the ARIN counsel's assessment of 2014-1 
(Out of region use)


All of the example net blocks that used in your examples below  appear to be 
routed to equipment in the RIPE region.

I would prefer that the RIPE porition is clarified as my understanding is that 
the IP allocations are to be used inside of the region.

On the RIPE website the following FAQ seems to contradicte your statements

Yes, you can become a member of RIPE NCC. However, keep in mind that the 
Internet number resources need be announced within the RIPE NCC's service 

I don't believe that your description of how allocations are handled in the 
RIPE region are accurate. Possible asking RIPE staff would be appropriate at 
this time.

[] On Behalf Of Milton L Mueller
Sent: April 12, 2015 4:53 PM
Subject: [arin-ppml] Response to the ARIN counsel's assessment of 2014-1 (Out 
of region use)

At ARIN 35 we will be discussing the fate of a proposal to formally allow out 
of region use of number resources. Attendees can review the text of the policy 
alongside a staff and legal assessment of it here:

The following is my response to the legal assessment of the proposed out of 
region use policy by ARIN's Counsel. It is clear that Counsel opposes this 
policy but I am not sure we are getting an unbiased assessment of its true 
implications. In the spirit of open dialogue about policies that are supposed 
to be developed bottom up by the community, I offer this rejoinder:

Counsel states:
"ARIN is governed by ICANN ICP-2, which calls for establishment of a single RIR 
to serve each region."

Regional exclusivity is one of the more interesting and far-ranging issues 
raised by 2014-1. We need to have a clear and honest discussion of it. Counsel 
is claiming that ICP-2 requires all usage of numbers to be bound to exclusive 
RIR service regions But this claim has no basis in either ICP-2 itself nor in 
operational practice.
- The title of ICP-2 is "Criteria for Establishment of New Regional Internet 
Registries;" in other words it is about the establishment of NEW RIRs, not 
about the general model of number governance
- Even assuming that service regions shouldn't overlap, ICP-2 does not 
articulate or establish a policy regarding use of number resources outside of a 
RIR's service region.
- ICP-2 is not a law, and thus raises no legal issues;
 - ICP-2 is not even a global policy, as its development and adoption by the 
ICANN board antedates the global policy development process
 - It is routine for LIRs with transnational operations to rely on one RIR for 
most of their address resources rather than joining multiple registries in each 
of the service regions. Far from leading to "difficulty for co-ordination and 
co-operation" and "confusion for the community within the region," such 
practices make coordination easier and reduce confusion and overhead.

In this regard, let me quote a Feb 25, 2015 statement on PPML by Tony Hain:

"Back up and figure out what problem is being solved.  The primary reason RIR's 
became possessive about their territory was "absurd protection of their 
precious IPv4 allocations".  Rewind to the pre-RIR timeframe, and allocations 
were global, and use was global. The RIRs were brought in to simplify the 
process, not fragment it.  ... Are we trying to protect the RIR's claimed 
autonomy over geography, or simplify the process of distribution for a global 
resource? If it is the latter as it started out to be, the definition of "out 
of region" is off-planet. If it is the former, why do people continue to fight 
against NIR's? If you want absolute autonomy, you need somebody capable of 
protecting your defined geography, and that usually becomes police or military. 
Make up your collective mind about your stated objective and make policy fit 
that. As far as I know the stated objective is to facilitate allocations of a 
global resource, so trying to restrict what the recipient does with it would 
appear to be out of scope."

As Hain suggests, the regional nature of RIRs was intended to facilitate 
resource distribution, not fragment it; the real reason for assertions of 
territorial exclusivity is IPv4 scarcity and uneven runout among the RIRs. But 
2014-1 probably will not be implemented until ARIN's free pool is gone.

Counsel asserts:
"This policy would allow entities with no real connection to the ARIN's service 
region to obtain, for example, increasingly scarce IPv4 resources"

"No real connection" = a major exaggeration. The current policy requires 
recipients of ARIN resources to be organizations with an existing customer 
relationship & agreement with ARIN and be "currently using at least the 
equivalent of a /22 of IPv4, /44 of IPv6, or 1 ASN within the ARIN service 
region, respectively." Some connection to the ARIN region is required.

Counsel asserts:
"...if the policy were adopted, ARIN could arguably become subject to the 
jurisdiction and laws passed by governments outside our service region. This 
may lead to ARIN being a litigant in courts of nations outside its service 
region and subject to their requirements and judgments. ARIN will need to 
accept greater legal expenditures and risks, as well as potentially larger 
costs in order to take this greater scope into consideration in ARIN's registry 
activities on an ongoing basis."

Questionable. As long as ARIN permits its number resources to be used outside 
of the region, as it currently does, the same risk exists regardless of whether 
2014-1 passes or not. Note that even ARIN's Counsel states that he supports 
allowing network operators headquartered in ARIN's region to make use of 
ARIN-registered resources out of the North American region. Such cases would 
pose the same jurisdictional risks, if indeed those risks are significant. Thus 
it is unclear how 2014-1 changes anything in this regard. Note also that a RIPE 
policy in place for the past 2 and a half years has not led to any such 

RIPE-NCC is currently allocating /22s from the block without needs 
assessment and have given out hundreds since 2012. The receipant of the /22 is 
required to become a RIPE NCC member, but the recipient can be based anywhere. 
Over a dozen US companies not based in the RIPE region have availed themselves 
of this policy. Here are a few examples, with links to the Whois:

US      01/31/2014 IHNetworks, LLC
US        02/10/2014 KVH Industries, Inc
US           03/20/2014 Latisys-Denver, LLC
US           03/27/2014 RamNode LLC
US      04/01/2014 Peak Web LLC

I believe in evidence-based policy. In many respects, RIPE-NCC is permitting 
out of region membership and out of region use. Can Counsel identify any of the 
purported problems taking place because of RIPE's openness to members from 
other regions? Has RIPE been a litigant in the US or has a national government 
threatened it with "political oversight" because of these actions?

Counsel asserts:
"[T]he policy fails to recognize that ARIN is not likely to able to perform the 
function contemplated in the policy with certain countries," such as Cuba, Iran 
and North Korea.

ARIN is barred from doing business with those countries with or without this 
policy. Any applicant for resources from those countries could simply be denied.

Counsel asserts:

"ARIN may be subject to significantly greater political oversight by national 
governments in its service region that will wish to evaluate why ARIN alone of 
the 5 RIRs is assuming a duty to service all of the world's community. It may 
be argued by governments in ARIN's region that this is a potential breach of 
ARIN's fiduciary obligations to its own region, and to examine whether it is 
consistent with ARIN's non-profit status and other corporate documents."

Incomplete, factually wrong in part, and speculative. It is incomplete because 
Counsel provides no legal reason why allowing out of region use would threaten 
ARIN's nonprofit status. Factually wrong because ARIN is not alone - note the 
RIPE-NCC case above. The argument about government reaction is speculative and 
non-legal. Essentially the claim is that governments (not the number 
resource-using community) won't like this policy and will punish ARIN for 
passing it by asserting some unspecified kind of "political oversight." Based 
on context I can think of only one government that would be in a position to 
assert "political oversight" over ARIN, and that is the U.S. government. Yet 
the US is firmly committed to private sector-led, multistakeholder internet 
governance. There is no legislation proposing to regulate ARIN on the horizon 
and no major private sector stakeholder lobbying group demanding it.

I think, therefore, that Counsel has it exactly backwards: if we reject this 
policy solely because of fear of the US government, ARIN and its board will be 
breaching their fiduciary obligations to pass number resource policies that are 
fair and impartial, technically sound, and supported by the community.

Counsel asserts:

"the policy will lead to an increase in fraudulent applications from out of 
region requestors, and issuance of resources to those who fraudulently file, 
since ARIN is not as well positioned to successfully discover such fraud by out 
of region requestors."

This is a legitimate concern. But I see no reason why staff cannot deny 
resources to entities that cannot produce adequate evidence for their claims. 
Other tweaks to be policy could be conceived that might address this issue, 
bearing in mind that two previous attempts to define thresholds were not 
acceptable to the community. Further, the incentive for most fraudulent 
applications comes from IPv4 scarcity, which has a very limited time horizon.

The choice is clear: are IP numbers a global resource to be allocated and 
assigned on the basis of technical efficiency, or are RIRs here to fragment the 
number distribution process into mutually exclusive territories? Will this 
policy be adopted or not based on its merit and community support, or on vague 
threats about governmental repercussions? I look forward to seeing you at ARIN 
35 to further air these issues.

Milton L Mueller
ARIN Advisory Council member but speaking only for myself
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor
Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Internet Governance Project<>

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