Hello Marty,

> Did ARIN/you consider a consultation instead and simply adding a NACK button
> to the confirmation and reassigning the block back to the ISP in question or 
> re-designate to theĀ  online account owner? Maybe some of that needs policy. 
> Maybe not.    

[I didn't consider a consultation.  Richard had said at the mic during his 
presentation that it required a policy change, or I thought that's what I 

I think your solution would be a good option.  Can other ISPs who SWIP comment 
on this option?  Would you be ok with your SWIPs being erased when your 
customers press a button or contact ARIN and demand to be removed?  

Alternatively, we could also consider a middle ground -- anyone who presses 
NACK or complains, the POC on the reassignment reverts to the parent Org POCs 
(the ISP's POC info). 


David R Huberman
Principal, Global IP Addressing
Microsoft Corporation

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