On Jun 2, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net> wrote:
> Is there anything preventing people from, instead of transferring IP 
> addresses, negotiating 99-year IRUs or some similar type of lease? That seems 
> like it could be a loophole in the policies... If all it takes is converting 
> from an end-user to an ISP so that the block can be reassigned, would that be 
> in full compliance with the existing NRPM?

Adam -

There is little applicable policy with respect to the usage of IP address 
blocks, i.e. it is not clear that such leasing is (or should be) disallowed.

This is a good reason for the community to think carefully about 
restrictions on transfers - as noted earlier by others, restrictions 
on transfers often lead to workarounds via creative usage models.


John Curran
President and CEO
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