I do understand their concerns and obviously I disagree with needs testing.   
What is really needed is size testing to match the size of the block 
allocations to the size of the organization, as I’ve mentioned many times 
before.  Needs testing, with IPv4 run out pretty much here, is just rearranging 
deck chairs on the Titanic.

With IPv4 run out the pace of blocks being sold outside of ARIN is likely to 
increase and with current policy the Registry database keeps becoming more and 
more inaccurate.

It is a fact that Legacy blocks are being sold outside ARIN.   Assuming I 
agreed that needs testing is important that just leaves this community two 

                The Bad option is: When a Legacy block sells Outside ARIN 
without needs testing but with reasonable documentation and verification 
provided to ARIN (which could be defined in an ARIN policy) the Registry info 
could be updated.

                The Worse option is:  When a Legacy block sells Outside ARIN 
without needs testing but with reasonable documentation and verification the 
Registry info won’t be updated.

So the real life choice (short of a law being passed or a Judge making a 
decision) for folks that want Needs testing, is to take the Bad option or take 
the Worse option.

If the Registry does matter to this community then the Bad option is slightly 
better than the Worse option.  If Registry accuracy doesn’t matter then we 
should just change ARIN’s mission to not care about keeping the Registry 
accurate and all live with that, as Legacy blocks will keep getting sold 
outside of ARIN.

So John, is keeping the Registry as accurate as it can be important or not?

Steven L Ryerse
100 Ashford Center North, Suite 110, Atlanta, GA  30338
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From: John Curran [mailto:jcur...@arin.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 4:13 PM
To: Steven Ryerse
Cc: arin-ppml@arin.net List
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] 2015-2

On Jun 4, 2015, at 4:00 PM, Steven Ryerse 
<srye...@eclipse-networks.com<mailto:srye...@eclipse-networks.com>> wrote:
I’ve seen quite a lot of folks in this community state in this forum that 
keeping the Registry Database current is important to them and I share that 

Steve -

    If that’s the case, then please engage with the portion of the community 
that seeks
    need-testing for transfers, work to understand their concerns, and come up 
with a
    policy proposal that addresses them.   That is likely to be far more 
effectively that
    asserting a registry accuracy concern, since attempted transfers that don’t 
    policy can’t be put in the registry without making the registry an 
inaccurate record
    of the party with rights to the address block entry.


John Curran
President and CEO

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