> On Sep 25, 2015, at 10:48 , Steven Ryerse <srye...@eclipse-networks.com> 
> wrote:
> Owens comment from below:
> “2. To the extent that there is supply, anyone who needs addresses can get 
> them already. Needs-based evaluation does not prevent those with need from 
> getting addresses… It prevents those without need from getting them.”
> Owen’s comment is absolutely false!!!!!  It allows large organizing who 
> request resources to get what they need or something smaller.  It allows 
> medium size organizations who request resources to get what they need or 
> something smaller.  It allows small organizations who request resources to 
> get what they need or nothing, and there is no other source to get resources 
> if ARIN rejects a request, but the open market which Owen and others seem to 
> wish did not exist!

This is patently false.

Many small organizations have gotten resources from ARIN.

I have no problem with the open market so long as it conforms to the same 
needs-basis evaluations that were used for free pool assignments/allocations.

Sure, organizations with larger needs have the option of getting less resources 
than they need, but I don’t see how that differs from what I said.

Organizations with small needs can get what they need, assuming there is 
supply. I did not distinguish between supply from the market and supply from 
the free pool as I believe the rules should apply the same regardless of the 
source of resources.

You say my statement is false and then go on to confirm that it is actually 

> It is time to fix this inequity and removing needs tests would be a big help 
> to small organizations who really need resources! 

What inequity?

You haven’t yet shown one.


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