
In answer to your question 

    I would like to know if there is, or would be, 
    general hostility to the notion of ARIN asking for
    concrete documentation of the identities of the beneficial
    owners (say, for 25% ownership or above) of non-publicly-traded 
    corporate entities to which ARIN assigns number resources.

I don't know about general hostility, but I personally am hostile to this 

I have a couple of reasons:

1. As a small company, we have better things to do than provide more 
2. This looks a lot like a search for a problem in hopes of suggesting that the 
problem exists rather than a response to a real problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: ARIN-PPML [] On Behalf Of Ronald F. 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:36 PM
To: ARIN-PPML List <>
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Beneficial Owners

In message <>
Jason Schiller <> wrote:

>I know neither of these directly answer your question.

Well, in a word, no.  but I appreciate your response as it does shed a
bit more light on this overall topic.

Of course, I have no real idea what the exact meaning of this phrase is:
"provided that the applicant has a real and substantial connection with the
ARIN region".  But that's OK, because I don't imagine that anybody else
has either, and I intuit that this exact squishy phraseology was made a
part of ARIN-2015-5 rather deliberately, to insure general acceptance of
the larger proposal.

To return to my original point however, I would like to know if there
is, or would be, general hostility to the notion of ARIN asking for
concrete documentation of the identities of the beneficial owners (say,
for 25% ownership or above) of non-publicly-traded corporate entities
to which ARIN assigns number resources.

As should be evident, in the current era, and given the various shenanigans,
political and otherwise, that have dogged the Internet generally in recent
years, I personally am of the opinion that additional transparency is not
only warranted but necessary, even if for no other reason than to fully
comply with both the letter and the spirit of existing law and various
international sanction regimes.
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