On 14 May 2019, at 11:57 AM, Brian Jones <bjo...@vt.edu<mailto:bjo...@vt.edu>> 

Great Job ARIN! I hope this sets a precedence to help deter future fraudulent 
behavior …

From the press release –

"Fraud will not be tolerated. The vast majority of organizations obtain their 
address space from ARIN in good faith according to the policies set out by the 
community. However, ARIN detected fraud as a result of internal due diligence 
processes, and took action to respond in this particularly egregious case," 
said John Curran, ARIN President and CEO. "We are stepping up our efforts to 
actively investigate suspected cases of fraud against ARIN and will revoke 
resources and report unlawful activity to law enforcement whenever appropriate."

One cannot predict the behavior of criminals, but we have indeed demonstrated a 
very real risk of consequences for attempting such acts.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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