However, the proposal under discussion does not return the money to the registrants, but leaves that decision to the Board of Directors.

Therefore, I remain opposed until the auction language is removed.

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Tue, 25 Jun 2019, William Herrin wrote:

On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 2:58 AM Mueller, Milton L <> wrote:
> I am not a lawyer, but can say from firsthand experience that ARIN’s present 
stance as administrator and steward of the registry makes dealing with many
disputes rather straightforward, and if we were a party of significant 
financial interest in the outcomes, then there are various legal options for
enforcement that would become quite challenging or altogether unavaialble, and 
thus require us to go further down the litigation/arbitration to obtain the
appropriate outcomes for the community.  This is not a “highly speculative” 
outcome of monetization, but rather inevitable outcome as judges reasonable view
> MM: This is pure speculation. You do not have a single fact or a single case 
to back it up.

This is a non-problem. Directly return recovered funds to the registrants 
(bypassing ARIN discretion) and ARIN (the organization) no longer has any
financial interest in the outcomes. The gains are to the same people from which 
the recovery occurs.  
Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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