Please note that RFC2050 has be obsoleted by RFC7020

So you are arguing about a document that is no longer controlling.

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 4:23 PM Fernando Frediani <>

> On 30/09/2019 18:06, Mike Burns wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> Let me address the two items highlighted in your reply below.
> First is the reduction of ARIN to nothing more than a registration operation. 
> What is wrong with that? RFC2050 said the primary purpose of an RIR is 
> registration. We need to keep the numbers unique or everything fails. ARIN 
> should indeed reduce itself to registering transfers and doing what it can to 
> maintain accurate registration per our primary stewardship role. All else is 
> subservient, including conservation. But we have addressed conservation.  
> RIPE has been reduced to a registration operation, to use your term. What is 
> so wrong with RIPE?
> It also says: "*ISPs are required to utilize address space in an
> efficient manner.  To this end, ISPs should have documented justification
> available for each assignment. The regional registry may, at any time, ask
> for this information. If the information is not available, future
> allocations may be impacted.In extreme cases, existing loans may be
> impacted.*"
> What's wrong with that statement ? Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
> Why do you wish to reduce substantially the roles of the RIRs and pass
> them to private companies ?
> It also defines Conservation as: "*Fair distribution of globally unique
> Internet address space according to the operational needs of the end-users
> and Internet Service Providers operating networks using this address space.
> Prevention of stockpiling in order to maximize the lifetime of the Internet
> address space.*"
> What is wrong with that statement ? Sounds also pretty reasonable.
> Or do you think that only assigning resources to those who can pay more
> will be the best and more fair way to maximize the lifetime of the Internet
> address space version 4 to those who really need them to get connected ?
> RIRs have been the ones who check these operational needs impartially
> (with no economic interests in mind) and according to the current policies.
> Why remove it from them and pass to private companies to do ?
> Second is the point that one of the business cases for leasing is for 
> spamming. This is something to consider, but I would like for you to put 
> yourself into the position of a Lessor. The Lessor knows  his blocks will 
> lose value if they are blacklisted, so they take steps to mitigate this. For 
> example, one notable lessor charges a $20 fee for every abuse complaint on a 
> leased block. The Lessee pays the $20 fee and most of it is paid to the 
> Lessor as compensation. This disincentivizes spamming on leased blocks. A 
> Lessor who gets tricked into leasing to a spammer will find his block 
> devalued significantly. He can get it delisted one, maybe twice if he can 
> spin a good story. After that, no more for that owner. So the owners have 
> penalties and usage terms built into the lease contract, or they get 
> prepayment for many months in advance, or they lease large blocks which are 
> not appealing to spammers. The point is this is a valid argument against 
> changing policy to support leasing, but the problems are long-known and the 
> market has applied corrections.  On the other hand, spammers like to hijack 
> too, and having the ability to define a hijack as being non-compliant with a 
> lease policy will enable ARIN to pressure the address holder for a policy 
> violation if pressure from that side helps.
> This is more a point of view one how the things happen in practice or
> should happen and I personally don't agree with that in full.
> Regards,
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ARIN-PPML <> <> On 
> Behalf Of Fernando Frediani
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 4:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to 
> Non-Connected Networks
> On 30/09/2019 15:36, wrote:
> Currently, the ability to obtain IPv4 resources is constrained by the
> requirement to prove to ARIN that you need the addresses for your
> operational use in a network, which will be claimed to be no unneeded
> once the "operational use" requirement is gone, leaving ARIN to be
> nothing more than a registration operation.
> Excellent point raised. Couldn't agree more !
> While this is claimed to reduce one problem with leasing IPv4
> addresses (lack of registration and associated abuse contacts) it
> causes other issues.  Often network abusers lease addresses for abuse,
> dumping them and leasing others when they get blacklisted.
> And this too. Actually this is a well known issue.
> On Mon, 30 Sep 2019, Mike Burns wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> You said “RIR is and has always been the one who drives the resources
> to be efficientlly assigned by analysing justifications not private
> transfer companies. If an organization is not using resouces
> efficiently it either may change its resource assignment strategy
> otherwise it doesn't justify for those addresses anymore and should
> return them back to the RIR.”
> There is no policy in ARIN to return un-needed space.  IPv4 resource
> holders own something of value, which is what economists call an
> “alienable asset”.  It is possible for such resource holders to
> return such space to ARIN, but you don’t have to be an economist to
> understand why they don’t and haven’t for the most part.
> Your method has been tried, and it was really a good try. The effort
> was decades-long, yet recognized a failure by the clear evidence of
> the routing table.
> So much space allocated, yet not routed. Not enough to be explained
> away by internal use; this is unconvincing. No, the space sat on the
> sidelines, it was not returned to ARIN. Until the market provided the
> missing incentive to action, and that action is also quite visible in
> the routing table and transfer logs.  The profit incentive, the draw
> of lucre, the absurd effect of price have led to an increase in the
> efficient use of the IPv4 address universe.  Geoff Huston did a good
> analysis of the source of transferred addresses and showed the market
> brought many never-routed addresses into efficient 
> use.
> ted-transfers/
> You also said “It is pretty reasonable to think that in no RIRs you
> are able justify more IP space by saying ‘I need these addresses in
> order to lease them to someone else’. If that is never a possible
> justification that can be used therefore leases don't make any
> sense.”
> Anybody can indeed purchase RIPE addresses via transfer solely for
> the purpose of leasing them out. That is because RIPE does not have a
> needs justification for transfers (nor policy forbidding leasing).
> And that is because, in my opinion, the RIPE community realized that
> their intrinsic role of conservation would now be undertaken by
> market forces. These can be relied upon to bring un- and
> under-utilized addresses to their “highest and best use”, again as
> economists say.
> But you do bring up the relevant question in the context of this ARIN
> policy proposal, which is whether leasing to a “connected” customer
> is all that different from leasing to a “non-connected” customer when
> it comes to justifications. In the first case, the ISP normally
> registers the assignment of this block to his customer in Whois and
> can use it as justification. In the second there is no such
> registration requirement and the lease can’t be used as a
> justification.  To me this is a problem, and I think there is a
> solution.
> Conservation and Registration are our lodestars. In this case pricing
> will handle conservation, but what about registration? What about
> when pricing drives Conservation at the expense of Registration?  I
> am on record as supporting the RIPE model, which allows for lessors
> to purchase lease inventory, with registered transfers, and also
> allows them to record leases as assignments that include access to
> important contact information.
> The simple and straightforward answer here is to end the needs-test
> for transfers. RIPE has shown us the way, taken the “risk” and now we
> can look at years’
> and thousands of transfers’ worth of data. Anybody see any problems
> resulting from the dropping of the needs test in RIPE?
> Absent dropping the needs test for transfers, the logical step in the
> context of this policy allowing leasing, is to allow certain leases
> to be used for justifications while at the same time providing policy
> requiring registration (SWIP) and documentation (Letter Of Agency).
> It’s my opinion that this carrot and stick approach will induce
> Lessors to properly register their leases while also providing a
> clear demarcation of leasing versus hijacking that will empower our
> community and potentially law enforcement.  You want to purchase
> addresses because you think you can make money in their rental? Fine,
> show  us that you are efficiently using your prior allocations and
> properly registering assignments.
> There should be no difference in the way we treat those who assign to
> “non-connected” or “connected” networks. ARIN calls a VPN a
> connection. Times have moved on, and any two networks can be easily
> “connected” for the purposes of policy-compliance only. So why trade
> the lack of insight into IPv4 block contact information for the
> maintenance of this fig-leaf?
> Regards,
> Mike Burns
> From: ARIN-PPML <> <> On 
> Behalf Of Fernando
> Frediani
> Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 7:20 PM
> To: arin-ppml <> <>
> Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP
> Re-Assignment to Non-Connected Networks
> I strongly oppose this proposal.
> Leasing of IP addresses in such way should never be permmited and is
> a distortion of the way IP addresses must be used by organizations.
> The main reason is simple: if an organization is "leasing" IP address
> it is a clear sign that the organization does not have usage for that
> IP space and as it doesn't justify anymore it should therefore return
> them back to the RIR in order to be re-assigned to those who really
> have a need for it, via waiting list or other methods covered by the
> policies.
> It is pretty reasonable to think that in no RIRs you are able justify
> more IP space by saying "I need these addresses in order to lease
> them to someone else".
> If that is never a possible justification that can be used therefore
> leases don't make any sense.
> If an organization needs further IP space for a temporary project it
> may just get from the LIR or ISP but if that is not possible and the
> organization is an Autonomous System it can just go to market and get
> it transfered permanentlly.
> Either from the RIR or transfered via market addresses must be
> justified and leases are nothing but unused address by who is willing
> to lease.
> The justification given to allow organizations to facilitate
> transition to IPv6 does not apply at all as organizations can go
> directlly to the RIR for that (4.10). Why would it get via a lease
> bypassing the RIR ?
> By allowing leases it is just skipping the RIR's function to fairly
> re-distribute them and passing it private companies with financial
> interests.
> I think 8.5.2 is already properly written and doesn't require any
> change.
> Also Non-Connected Networks is not properly defined.
> Regarding the point about Conservation to be done through market
> pricing I will skip to comment such absurd thing.
> Regards
> Fernando
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, 17:41 ARIN, <> <> wrote:
>       On 19 September 2019, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) accepted
>       "ARIN-prop-277: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to Non-Connected
> Networks" as a
>       Draft Policy.
>       Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18 is below and can be found at:
>       You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The
> AC will
>       evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of
> this draft
>       policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource
> policy as
>       stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically,
> these
>       principles are:
>       * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
>       * Technically Sound
>       * Supported by the Community
>       The PDP can be found at:
>       Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
>       Regards,
>       Sean Hopkins
>       Policy Analyst
>       American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
>       Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to
> Non-Connected Networks
>       Problem Statement:
>       Businesses have a need to lease IPv4 space for limited periods
> of time,
>       as evidenced by a robust (technically prohibited) subleasing
> market. The
>       lack of legitimization of the subleasing market hinders
> innovation,
>       research, reporting, and the development of rules/industry best
>       practices to ensure identifiability and contactability.
>       Policy statement:
>       2.4. Local Internet Registry (LIR)
>       A Local Internet Registry (LIR) is an IR that primarily assigns
> address
>       space to the users of the network services that it provides.
> LIRs are
>       generally Internet Service Providers (ISPs), whose customers
> are
>       primarily end users and possibly other ISPs.
>       A Local Internet Registry (LIR) is an IR that primarily assigns
> address
>       space to the users of the network services that it provides.
> LIRs are
>       generally Internet Service Providers (ISPs), whose customers
> are
>       primarily end users and possibly other ISPs.
>       LIRs may also assign address space to other organizations or
> customers
>       that request it for use in an operational network.
>       8.5.2 Operational Use
>       ARIN allocates or assigns number resources to organizations via
> transfer
>       solely for the purpose of use on an operational network.
>       Option 1 : Remove 8.5.2 entirely
>       Option 2 : Edit as follows
>       8.5.2 Operational Use
>       ARIN allocates or assigns number resources to organizations via
> transfer
>       solely primarily for the purpose of use on an operational
> network, but
>       may allocate or assign number resources to organizations for
> other
>       purposes, including re-assignment to non-connected networks .
>       Comments:
>       Timetable for implementation: Immediate
>       Anything Else:
>       The legitimization of a subleasing market for IPv4 has numerous
> business
>       and community benefits, including (but not limited to):
>       - Allowing organizations to efficiently utilize IPv4 space
> without
>       transferring space permanently;
>       - Allowing organizations to obtain IPv4 space for a limited
> time in
>       order to facilitate transition to IPv6;
>       - Allowing organizations to develop enforceable acceptable use
> policies
>       in a previously lawless illegitimate space;
>       - Allowing the community to develop reporting and recording
> standards
>       and/or best practices to the benefit of preserving the
> integrity of IPv4
>       address space.
>       - We would like to engage further with the ARIN community to
> discuss the
>       current state of the unauthorized subleasing market, and how
> this
>       proposed policy change would both update ARIN policies to
> reflect the
>       reality of the subleasing market, and positively address
> business and
>       community concerns.
>       _______________________________________________
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David Farmer     
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
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