Frankly, I agree with earlier detractors..

While it may be important to ARIN to push for IPv6 adoption, I don't believe using IPv4 allocation policies as a method to 'force' adoption is a wise or efficient method for encouraging adoption..

I believe you should simply keep both purposes separate.. totally.

There are other ways to encourage IPv6 adoption, and it should be left up to the industry, and not ARIN policy, and it should NOT hamstring those who for one reason or another feel no need to consider IPv6 at this time.

There might be legitimate reasons, that while we may not understand or fathom them, and are important to the person looking for IPv4 waiting lists and/or transfers, but who are we to say..

On 2020-01-13 9:06 a.m., Andrew Dul wrote:
Happy New Year everyone...

We had a robust discussion on this list before the New Year, but it was clear that we don't have consensus on the current draft. Thus to help move this draft forward...  I'm proposing a couple of questions to see if we can find middle ground here to update the text of the draft policy.

The policy as written today would require organizations who wish to obtain an IPv4 transfer to complete a limited scope IPv6 deployment.

Do you support any IPv6 requirements on an IPv4 transfer?

Would you support IPv6 requirements for receiving a block via the ARIN wait-list?

Do you support different IPv6 deployment criteria that would qualify an organization for a IPv4 transfer?  (Such as, just requiring the org to have an IPv6 allocation or assignment from ARIN)  Please propose different IPv6 criteria that you would support if the current criteria is unacceptable.

Thanks for your comments on this draft,



*Current Policy Statement:*

In section 8.5.2, add the following language to the end of the paragraph entitled “Operational Use”:

Such operational network must at minimum include an allocation or assignment by ARIN of IPv6 address space under the same Org ID receiving the transferred IPv4 space. Such Org must be able to prove this IPv6 space is being routed by using it to communicate with ARIN.

In the event the receiver provides a written statement from its upstream that IPv6 connectivity is unavailable, the IPv6 requirement may be waived.


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