In accordance with the Policy Development Process (PDP), the Advisory Council met on 24 January 2020.

The AC has advanced the following Recommended Draft Policy to the Board of Trustees for review:

* ARIN-2018-6: Clarify Reassignment Requirements in

The AC has abandoned the following Draft Policy:

* ARIN-2019-19: Require IPv6 Before Receiving Section 8 IPv4 Transfers

The AC released the following statement:

"The Advisory Council has abandoned Draft Policy ARIN-2019-19 due to lack of widespread support by the community. Discussion on the mailing list has not produced additional substantially supported text changes, and there did not appear to be a path toward consensus between those who supported the policy and those who did not support the policy."

Anyone dissatisfied with these decisions may initiate a petition. The deadline to begin a petition will be five business days after the AC's draft meeting minutes are published.

The AC is continuing to work on:

Recommended Draft Policies:

* ARIN-2019-1: Clarify Section 4 IPv4 Request Requirements
* ARIN-2019-10: Inter-RIR M&A

Draft Policies:

* ARIN-2019-12: M&A Legal Jurisdiction Exclusion
* ARIN-2019-20: Harmonization of Maximum Allocation Requirements under Sections 4.1.8 (ARIN Waitlist) and 4.2.2 (Initial Allocation to ISPs)
* ARIN-2019-21: Reserved Pool Replenishment


* ARIN-Prop-282: Grandfathering of Organizations Removed from Waitlist by Implementation of ARIN-2019-16

The PDP can be found at:

Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:


Sean Hopkins
Policy Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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