On 11 Jan 2021, at 10:35 AM, Fernando Frediani 
<fhfredi...@gmail.com<mailto:fhfredi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Obviously anyone has the right to petition,  but I am trying to understand the 
intent of this appeal. Make the Board of Trustees to push something that 
haven't had enough support from the community ?

Fernando -

ARIN’s Policy Development Process (PDP) provides that any member of the 
community may initiate a petition if they are dissatisfied with a specific 
action taken by the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) regarding a Policy Proposal, 
Draft Policy or Recommended Draft Policy.  If the petition reaches the 
necessary level of support, the petition will be considered successful and will 
cause the policy to move forward as appropriate. ARIN administers the petition 
process as specified in the PDP.

In this particular case, a successful petition would result in ARIN-2020-2 
going to the Board of Trustees for adoption consideration. If that occurs, the 
Board will evaluate the policy proposal against the Principles of Internet 
Number Resource Policy contained within the PDP 

4.1. Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
4.2. Technically Sound
4.3. Supported by the Community

(I’d suggest reviewing the specific principle descriptions within the PDP for 
more details on their evaluation.)

We have not had many petitions in the history of the ARIN, as the flow of 
policies through the ARIN Policy Development Process (as administered by the 
ARIN AC) has generally been found satisfactory to the ARIN community.  However, 
this will not always be the case, and a petition process (with appropriately 
met thresholds) allows the community to indicate when it is dissatisfied with 
an action of the ARIN AC for a particular policy proposal.   More details about 
the ARIN Petition Process may be found in the PDP, in Part 3 

I hope this helps explain why we have a petition process and in particular the 
role it serves in our policy development process.

Best wishes,

John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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