Question: Does this change affect in any way the services provided by
ARIN to legacy holders who are not under (L)RSA?  The new wording
proposed for section 2 doesn't seem to account for that category.  My
thought is to simply delete and be done with it.  Does the NRPM
need to include a definition of the RSA?


On 1/15/21 12:55 PM, ARIN wrote:
> The following Draft Policy has been revised:
> * ARIN-2020-8: Clarify and Update Annual Renewal Fee
> Revised text is below and can be found at:
> <>
> You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will
> evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of this Draft
> Policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as
> stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these
> principles are:
> * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
> * Technically Sound
> * Supported by the Community
> The PDP can be found at:
> <>
> Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
> <>
> Regards,
> Sean Hopkins
> Policy Analyst
> American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
> Draft Policy ARIN-2020-8: Clarify and Update Annual Renewal Fee
> Problem Statement:
> The January 2020 Policy Experience Report highlighted that the existing
> language in Section "Annual Renewal" references fees. Fees are
> not considered a member qualification criteria. Since fees aren't
> referenced elsewhere in community policy, the wording was reviewed by
> the PEG.
> Policy statement:
> Given that the Registration Services Agreement (RSA) already contains
> language regarding fees, the AC Shepherds recommend to eliminate
> entirely and add:
> 2.X Registration Services Agreement (RSA)
> Number resources allocated or assigned by ARIN under these policies are
> subject to a contractural agreement between ARIN and the resource
> holder. Throughout this document, any and all forms of this agreement,
> past or future, are simply referred to as the Registration Services
> Agreement (RSA).
> Comments:
> The AC’s understanding is that community policy should not include
> language referring to fees, as such language is already present in the
> Registration Services Agreement (RSA)
> Registration Services has informed us that "Section contains
> language detailing fee due dates, encouraging on-time payments, and
> mentions potential revocations. It also contains a reference to web
> documentation that has evolved significantly since this policy was
> implemented, and may continue to do so. Essentially the entire section
> is made of language that is already in the Registration Services
> Agreement, and is generally fee-focused, making it outside normal scope
> for Internet number resource policy."
> Timetable for implementation: Immediate
> Anything else:
> Community input since adopting draft has informed this direction. The
> 2.X placeholder is used as this seems like it might be foundational
> enough to not be 2.17 but the Shepherds would rather not upset current
> indexing arbitrarily.
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