On 18 February 2021, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) advanced the following 
Draft Policy to Recommended Draft Policy status:


* ARIN-2020-8: Clarify and Update Annual Renewal Fee


The text of the Recommended Draft Policy is below, and may also be found at:




You are encouraged to discuss all Recommended Draft Policies on PPML prior to 
their presentation at the next ARIN Public Policy Consultation (PPC). PPML and 
PPC discussions are invaluable to the AC when determining community consensus.


The PDP can be found at:



Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:





Sean Hopkins

Senior Policy Analyst

American Registry for Internet Numbers



Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2020-8: Clarify and Update Annual Renewal 


AC Assessment of Conformance with the Principles of Internet Number Resource 


This Draft Policy is fair, impartial, and technically sound. This draft policy 
replaces language identified as problematic by ARIN staff via the Policy 
Experience Report WG with a proper definition to keep the NRPM focused on 
numbers policy.


Problem Statement:


The January 2020 Policy Experience Report highlighted that the existing 
language in Section “Annual Renewal” references fees. Fees are not 
considered a member qualification criteria. Since fees aren’t referenced 
elsewhere in community policy, the wording was reviewed by the PEG.


Policy Statement:


Given that the Registration Services Agreement (RSA) already contains language 
regarding fees, the AC Shepherds recommend to eliminate entirely and 


2.X Registration Services Agreement (RSA)


Number resources allocated or assigned by ARIN under these policies are subject 
to a contractural agreement between ARIN and the resource holder. Throughout 
this document, any and all forms of this agreement, past or future, are simply 
referred to as the Registration Services Agreement (RSA).




The AC’s understanding is that community policy should not include language 
referring to fees, as such language is already present in the Registration 
Services Agreement (RSA)


Registration Services has informed us that “Section contains language 
detailing fee due dates, encouraging on-time payments, and mentions potential 
revocations. It also contains a reference to web documentation that has evolved 
significantly since this policy was implemented, and may continue to do so. 
Essentially the entire section is made of language that is already in the 
Registration Services Agreement, and is generally fee-focused, making it 
outside normal scope for Internet number resource policy.”


Timetable for Implementation: Immediate


Anything Else: Community input since adopting draft has informed this 
direction. The 2.X placeholder is used as this seems like it might be 
foundational enough to not be 2.17 but the Shepherds would rather not upset 
current indexing arbitrarily.


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