> On Oct 9, 2021, at 5:58 PM, Scott Leibrand <scottleibr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has ARIN disclosed anything about why the NomCom chose to exclude two 
> obviously-qualified candidates from the ballot when they didn’t yet have 2 
> candidates per open seat, and the 3 candidates they did include are all less 
> well-known to the community than both the ones they excluded?
> I can hypothesize some possible reasons, but none of them would reflect well 
> on the NomCom, so I am reluctant to do so without learning their stated 
> reason(s).

Well, that’s the thing about a black-box process.  The good thing is that it’s 
more insulated from public pressure; the bad thing is that you don’t get to 
attack their reasoning if you don’t like the result, since that’s inside the 
black box.  So I don’t think it makes sense to try to hypothesize about their 
reasons, just as I don’t think you’re going to wind up hearing what their 
reasons were.

It’s perfectly sufficient to disagree with the outcome, and that’s why we have 
a petition process: so that a black-box nomcom won’t be the final word on what 
happens.  So, go participate in the petition process.  The “why” of it doesn’t 
matter, just what you do matters.


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