> On 9 Aug 2022, at 5:09 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
> In message <69ed05b4-afc0-48ea-b466-417b2dab4...@arin.net>, 
> John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
>>   From where I am sitting, and based on my substantial knowledge of ARIN's 
>> past actions,
>>   your answer sounds an awful lot like "No, we're not going to do that.  We 
>> have better
>>   things to do."
>> Actually, my meaning is absolutely clear based on plain language usage -
>> We _will_ endeavor to look into such situations and correct where possible
> Great!  When?
> In October of 2020, a spokesperson for ARIN was quoted by journalist Brian 
> Krebs as
> saying that the matter of the long-ago dissolution of Centauri Communications
> (CENTA-3) would be investigated:
> https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/10/the-now-defunct-firms-behind-8chan-qanon/
> It is now August, 2022, and the evidence of ARIN's commitment to 
> investigating such cases
> (or rather, the utter lack thereof) is now crystal clear and evident for all 
> to see.  A
> full 21 months later and the ARIN staff has done absolutely nothing to either 
> investigate
> or action this case in any way.
> This isn't ambiguous.  We have the reciepts.  ARIN was informed.  ARIN said 
> it would
> investigate.  ARIN did nothing.  ARIN lied.


> And yet here you are, repeating the lie yet again, and still falsely claiming 
> that ARIN
> "_will_ endeavor to look into such situations and correct where possible".
> The problem is that ARIN won't.  The evidence is clear.  ARIN just won't.

ARIN did investigate - see below. 

> (I was wrong in my prior email to suggest that ARIN would give a low priority 
> to the task
> of reclaiming number resources from dead companies.  In fact, the evidence is 
> clear that
> ARIN has given and will give this effort ZERO priority... or maybe even a 
> negative
> priority.)
>>   And finally, could you please explain, John, how your reluctance to 
>> reclaim those
>>   valuable IPv4 assets from dissolved and now non-existant corporate 
>> entities comports
>>   with ARIN's basic mission to be good shepherds of ARIN's finite and 
>> limited resources?
>>   Because I'm not seeing it.
>> There's no reluctance on ARIN's part to researching any reports submitted 
>> and taking
>> appropriate action - including "reclaim(ing)  those valuable IPv4 assets 
>> from dissolved 
>> and now non-existant corporate entities"
> You are prevaricating John, and the facts regarding Centauri Communications 
> demonstrate
> otherwise.  ARIN was informed about this case over 21 months ago, and an ARIN 
> spokesperson
> at that time confirmed to Brian Krebs that this case would be investigated.  
> However as
> anybody who knows how to use the ARIN WHOIS server can plainly see, 
> absolutely nothing
> has changed with respect to this long-dead entity and/or the several IPv4 
> blocks that
> were and are registered to it (and that are now being squatted on by 
> _somebody_) in all
> of the past 21 months.
> I remind you also that official California State records indicate that this 
> company has
> been dead and dissolved for TEN YEARS.
> Would you care to explain John?

Please note that the company in question is _suspended_ not dissolved.  As 
noted, there is a significant difference – ARIN does not act against 
organizations solely 
on the basis of their corporate status being suspended, as it can easily be the 
result of 
tax filing delay, etc.  


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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