On 21 October 2022, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) advanced the following Draft 
Policy to Recommended Draft Policy status:


* ARIN-2022-2: Remove Barrier to BGP Uptake in ASN Policy


The text of the Recommended Draft Policy is below, and may also be found at:




You are encouraged to discuss all Recommended Draft Policies on PPML prior to 
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The PDP can be found at:




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Sean Hopkins

Senior Policy Analyst

American Registry for Internet Numbers




Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2022-2: Remove Barrier to BGP Uptake in ASN Policy


AC Assessment of Conformance with the Principles of Internet Number Resource 


This Draft Policy is fair, impartial, and technically sound. ARIN-2022-2 would 
rewrite ARIN's Autonomous System Numbers policy, reducing its overall size and 
specifying single-ASN issuance as the default action. The Draft Policy deals 
with issuance and manually vetted request documentation requirements, which 
have no significant registry impact as a result of implementation.


Problem Statement: 


The current requirements for getting an ASN have resulted in confusion 
particularly for new entrants, who have their hands more than full with the 
mechanics of getting BGP up and running. The availability of 32 bit ASNs 
provides an opportunity for the removal of unnecessary constraints and 
processes for the allocation of ASNs.


ARIN does not provide guidance to use RFC1918 space if possible and likewise 
ARIN should not require the use of private ASNs in preference to public ASNs.


Further Technical Rationale:


Four octet (32 bit) ASNs were defined in May 2007 in RFC 4893. It has taken 
several years for routing equipment in general use to catch up, but today 32 
bit ASNs are generally accepted and it is rare that an organization which has 
been issued a 32 bit ASN comes back to ARIN and says they need a 16 bit ASN 


The austerity measure of requiring extensive documentation to get an ASN is 
left over from the days of 16 bit ASNs (total space 65000). It is no longer 
appropriate and we should align our conservation requirements with those found 
in other 32-bit spaces (total space four billion). Consider:


* A /32 of IPv6 space is the default allocation and will be assigned to any ISP 
that requests it.


* Temporary assignment of a /32 of IPv4 space can be acquired on most 
residential ISPs by issuing a DHCP request.


We propose making issuance of the first 32 bit ASN for any ORGID (or each site 
for organizations that have number resources under multiple discrete networks 
policy) be pro-forma upon request. If an org’s technical people think they need 
a public ASN, they probably do!


Policy statement:


Replace the entirety of Section 5, which currently reads:


There are a limited number of available Autonomous System Numbers (AS Numbers), 
therefore, it is important to determine which sites require unique ASNs and 
which do not. If a unique ASN is not required for a given network design, one 
or more of the ASN reserved for private use should be utilized. Those numbers 
are: 64512 through 65534 and 4200000000 through 4294967294 inclusive.


In order to be assigned an ASN, each requesting organization must provide ARIN 
with verification that it requires a unique routing policy, such as a plan:


* To originate announcement of IP Number Resources via an accepted protocol 
(such as Border Gateway Protocol) from an ASN different than that of its 
upstream provider;


* To multihome a site with one or more Autonomous Systems; or


* To use an ASN to interconnect with other Autonomous Systems.


ASNs are issued based on current need, as set out in this section 5.


With the following new Section 5:


Any organization may be issued a single Autonomous System Number (ASN) upon 
request. Organizations that have space issued under Multiple Discrete Networks 
policy may be issued one ASN per discrete network upon request.


Additional ASN requests should include proof of the requestor's need for a 
unique routing policy, or other technical justification for the need for more 
than one ASN.


Timetable for implementation: Immediate

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